Yesterday I beat a personal goal :) Yay!! I walked to a lookpout point over cook inlet which is about two miles from my house. So total that means I walked four miles yesterday. It was tempting to give up on the way back and call my mom to come get me but I refused because you can't just give up. You have to work until you succeed. I made it home tired and dying of thirst but I made it home. And now I can say I walked to the lookout point :) I doubt I do it again for a few days but its still nice to say I did. Im probably going to go back to the two miles a day or possibly just three miles.
I have come to realise just how much I depend on my cell phone. I used it to write down every important event, I had a huge list of books I wanted to buy in notepad, as well as several notes on various things (most of which I cant remember until I flip through it), it was also how I kept in contact with most of the people I know in Idaho, it is also reassuring to know I can call for help when I take walks by myself. That way if anything happens I know help is on the way. I can technically still use my phone but half the screen is blacked out and the other half is getting ready to go. It will be a week to two weeks until I can get a new phone.
My phone is dead :( it fell of the chair it was sitting on and when I picked it up half the screen is black. I have only had it for a few months too.
I have these two friends, Andy and Rucker. I met Rucker through Andy and I barely know the guy. He seems nice enough though. Well Andy stood Rucker up today and Rucker feels lousy about it. Apparently Andy has been ignoring him all day. Rucker even gave Andy gas so he could go over to his house and Andy says he doesnt have enough gas to go over. Its kinda sad. I think Andy has been using Rucker. Rucker has bought Andy several expensive video games and all sorts of stuff that he can barely afford and Andy doesnt treat him very well. Rucker was in the emergency room last night and I showed more concern than Andy has and I barely know Rucker. Rucker is beginning to see that Andy is just using him and I think their friendship is almost at an end. I feel sorry for Rucker because of that but its Andy's fault completely.
It has been cold and rainy here all day. Ive already forgotten what I was going to say. . . It is getting kinda late and I am tired though.
While googling I came across a quiz "which famous vampire are you?" I was hoping that it would provide me with some new people that had actually existed. Sadly I was mistaken and they were all famous vampyres from films or books. I have heard of most but there are a few I have not heard of. I do not really see the need to research them though. While reading the descriptions on all of the quiz results I did find some potentially interesting research subjects. I do not know if they are also from novels and films or if they were real people. I am highly, highly doubting they were real people but it still has the potential to be interesting. I shall list them here so that I may have access to them later when I want to research them. So here goes:
1. Yorga
2. Radu
3. Ravna
4. Barlow
I am pretty sure I am going to be having nightmares tonight. I was bored so I decided to research famous vampyres. I found a website that had information on three, Vlad Tepes (Dracula), Gilles de Rais, and Elizabeth Bathory. I read the one about Gilles de Rais first. It was horrific but nothing compared to the one on Elizabeth Bathory. I have known a bit about her for a few years but never gone this in depth on it. It didn't really bother me until I read the list of tortures she would inflict on her servants. Some were so horrific they make me cringe just thinking about them. I greatly pity what those young women had to go through.
We got our first chicken egg today. Unfortunately somebody sat it in an unsafe spot in the refridgerator and it fell out and smashed on the floor. We also got six bunnies today :) We got two males and five females. Mine is a male and I named him George. That name seemed to suit him. He is a show rabbit (dont remember the breed) and if I can figure out how to do it I think Im going to put him in shows. It would be give me something to do and would be tons of fun.
You mean like circus shows or dog shows?
Rabbit shows. Im not entirely sure what they are yet lol xD theres a pet show in town in October Im thinking about putting him in
I have had this friend since around 8th grade. At one point I had considered him to be my best friend. Regardless of the fact that he has hurt me multiple times throughout our friendship. I have totally cut him out of my life twice but always given him another chance. I recently gave him his third chance and everything was going great. Or so I thought. We were supposed to hang out before I left and he left me hanging. I tried to call him quite a few times and text him and message him on facebook. He refuses to answer any of my attempts to contact him. He has also deleted me from his friends list on facebook. Apparently he has cut me out of his life this time. I just wish I knew what it was I did wrong.
You left his presence, he is unable to deal with it and so this is the easiest way of answering his hurt. It is childish to be sure, but not uncommon.
We went and talked with our neighbors the other day and they had some of their chickens for sale. We ended up getting seven more chickens so our total is now up to 18. We also have four geese. In two or three weeks we are also going to be getting rabbits. Its going to be so much fun :)
We finished the chicken coop today. Went and bought some chickens and a rooster today as well. The breed we got were buff orpingtons. The people we bought them from also had a bunch of Rhode Island reds and apparently those ones would pull the tail feathers out of the other chickens so our chickens have very few tail feathers. We bought ten chickens and one rooster. Our dogs really, really want to eat the chickens. Skippy has been going crazy and chases the chickens around the outside of their pen. Pepper just walks around looking at them and licking his lips.
I got off for a week or so (I cant recall exactly) and come back and vr is completely different. I like the changes though :)
Ive been so busy around the house that I had completely forgotten about vr :( I doubt I get on much at all lately. Maybe once or twice a week to check messages. I am currently working on building a chicken coop so I can get chickens (yay).
Chickens??? o.0 You have to tell me how that goes. I have this secret dream of living on a farm. I think it would kill me for allergies, but it is a dream none the less ;)
I really, really want a farm but the lifestyle I want doesnt really permit one :(
My dog almost got himself killed today. My neighbors have had problems with dogs getting into their chickens and the police have told them to just shoot the dogs next time. So they have been. Today Pepper ran off to the neighbors yard and was digging into their chicken coop. My neighbor's son had the gun and was getting ready to shoot him. His father recognised Pepper as our dog though (thankfully) and brought him home alive. Unfortunately for Pepper he is no longer allowed to run around the woods unchained. He has to be chained up when he is out there alone. Lucky for him I love to take walks so I'm going to be taking him on daily walks from now on. Today we walked about a mile from home today. It was pretty enjoyable except for the mosquitos. I think I got around fifty mosquito bites today. It hurts when they bite you up here. Pepper barely made it home. Of course for him he has to run to keep up with me because he is so small. And since he loves to go for walks he is always way out ahead of me.
Yays for the doggie safety report and DEET for the flying bloodbanks :)
I havent been on much lately. I havent really felt like getting on the internet. I have mostly been playing final fantasy 8. I am at the very end of the game and want to finish it. I have to level up quite a bit first before I can though. I probably wont be on much for a while.
22:01 Aug 31 2009
:) Good for you girl! Keep that kind of thing up and who knows where you can walk or run?