Who needs sleep when you have a good under eye concealer!
Hahahaaa well yeah xD
Before week ago I catch some virus so I had high fever and I feel really bad so mom insisted to take me to see doctor. So before we go she was like "Dani wash makeup please because no one will believe you that you are sick lol
Lmao! Make-up makes everything better.
If someone could just tuck me in ... that would be great. I am exhuasted ... I have no strength to even reach for the blanket.
aww poor cubby "pull the blanket tucking you make sure you are warm" sleep well little one
Tuck you in? ok!
*throws you in a coffin and buries you alive*
There, all tucked into six feet of dirt. >:)
Muaks kitty :)
And brother mord ..... six feet under sounds good now
I would gladly tuck you in......but I can't promise that I won't peek under the blankets to see if you are naked
O.o bad chuppy! *flicks your ear*
"When you set standards ... and stick to them ... there will be people in your life who fall away. Let them ..."
Omfg you’re right
THIS. Omg cubby... so much of this.
So true
Indeed, and if they refuse to fall away, drop kick them into the nearest volcano.
There is so much truth to this!
#murderfree #stayawayfrommord
Standing in a crowded train ... with cinnamon stix pastry in your bag ... is pure torture!
We cant eat in our trains here ... and being the mesy eater that I am ... I didnt want cinnamon sugar all over my face :/
Pouts "they need to make a small corner in he trains were you are alloweed to eat"
Well you better watch out if you get cinnamon on your face, you may get attacked by dogs...and blind people who are addicted to cinnamon... you will have some old blind man licking your face lmfao
Gawd no!
Today I have a meeting with my manager regarding my ideas on automating some current work processes ... I am not looking forward to it because I know she is going to shut down everything I am going to come up with. She will say .... next .... next ... next.
I know she is trying to groom me but it is driving me nuts. There must be a better way of doing this.
Well there is no going around it ... you got to do what you got to do.
Sucking it up and soldier on. I want that promotion and I am going to do what it takes.
Its is a corporate jungle ... and I got my wolf on!
Ps. Sorry if I haven't been replying to text messages or VR messages ... I hardly take out my phone when I am at the office.
That's very sad for someone to shut down a way to do something better. What type of grooming or mentoring is that? Innovation is what leaders should be made of.
Surprising it went well. Some ideas were scrapped due to buget constraints and system limitation. But the rest were okie :) I so happy :)
I am so dramatic at times ... I get on my own nerves!
Well, you are a female. :p
I shall tell you a little secret that I share with Dakotah. Hot cocoa!!!! It does wonders!!
Recently i have been getting annoyed with myself alot ....
And sometimes .... you hear these amazing words ... but not from the right guy ...
Ehhhh... I know what you are saying hun lol
Hey, no need to rub it in....I know I don't meet the approval of your family and friends, but I know what love is (in my Forrest Gump voice). LOL!
I do crack myself up....
I need a new profile name ... something rawr!
Cubbylisious? hehehe kidding
Or CubbyWubby! Lmao!!
CubbyClaws? lol
Or if you want something mean, how about ApexAlpha? Be the biggest baddest Wolf around >:)
I think you should not do name change because you already have perfect name.
How about CrushBait or WolfBoobies LMAO!!!
Awwww queenie ... thanks .... its for another profile i have.
No mogy .... no boobies lol
Ohhhhhhh lol good. I really like this profile name. Sounds very powerful.
Hot! Hot! Hot!
It is so bloody hot I am sweaty and icky ... not in a good way.
I am sprawled across the bed with 2 fans on me .... not in a sexy way.
*kidnaps you and locks you in a freezer* You need to chill out. >:)
Hah! That was me a couple weeks ago. It's supposed to be autumn but summer won't go away!
Sorry, I'm not buying it......I can't perceive a situation in which you are not sexy
Oh shush chuppy.
O.o wait didnt somegirl just die in the freezer recently? Morty!!! Dont tell me ..... *gasps* Slippy stay away from that man!
@Fever, yeah she was drunk and walked into it. Sad really, she was just a teen at a hotel party.:( Best way to cool and I had Lily do this this past summer, get a bowl of ice and water, place it in front of a fan. Set it all up to blow on you...Really works
Oki i am going to try that tonigt :) thanks for the idea :D
I love it when the book is compact enough to fit in my handbag.
It slightly bigger than my samsung note 5 mobile.
Easy to carry around while travelling to work and small enough to fit in my handbag :D
I am
The same. What is your favorite books?
Woohooo .... I have company :)
I am all over the place .... sometimes I like thrillers ... sometimes I like comedy .... but currently I am into romance .... By J R Ward ....
Can you fit freshly removed organs in it too? you may need to disembowel some of your colleagues if their work performance falls. Be the scary evil boss and everyone will break each other's backs to be on your good side. >:)
*gags* dont talk aboutt organs bro
Liver, spleen, heart and intestines.....very tasty with some salt and pepper. >:D
So .... my attempt at oreo cream cheese cookie failed ... it turned out way too sweet. I bought the wrong white chocolate. I was supposed to buy semi sweet ... so annoyed
You sure you didn't accidentally stick your finger in it? ^_-
Did you put human meat in it? Because that would sweetening it haha
o.O human meat ... ewwww!
and morgy ... *giggles*
MORGY? Who is that? You really don't know me at all. I feel so alone in this cold cold thing called cyberspace.
oh my lord .... lol .... im sorry mogy .... kekeke
You're cute, so I'll give you a pass this time. LOL!
Am I the only one having trouble with these giant gaming pop-up ADs?
I cant close them or click anywhere else o.O
I cant stand them to get around them I had to use my tablet or my computer which is nonsense
Me tooo!
I hate them as well. Its rather annoying.
I had that problem yesterday and had to install an ad blocker on my mobile device
I guess we have to get one of thoses ....
Ad block is the way to go.
Now you just need to install a human blocker so you don't have to put up with anymore unwanted losers lol
Human blocker ... lol .
Dray!!!!! Fank chu!
Even though I am not so greenish I like it.
I knew that you were a Slitherin deep down :P
Noooo! my secret is out! o.O
hahaha even though i love ya
The beauty of the moon
i agree
I must admit I am too......it has a way of beckoning the wilder side. It's like an eerie spotlight shining down on all the naughty things we do in the darkness
muahahahaha my mom try to learn viber
Snapchat is for young people....
My 5 month old niece loves snap chat lol
I see you are going all out to leave me negative honors ... for god knows what reason ... knock yourself out ... hope it makes you feel a bit better ... like you achieved something in life ...
You don't deserve the negative honor. People need to get the sticks out of their asses.
That is a pretty pathetic ploy...especially doing it anonymously. Time to round up the wolf pack and go hunting......"It's a Great Day to Whup Somebody's Ass"
Well some people are just jealous sad idiots without life.
Hun dont mind them. Some are bitter people that take pleasure of making others sad. You are an amazing woman
... It was just a random 'attack' ... I saw it in the morning and got all worked up ... but I am all better now. Because of all the love I get from you bunch. Muaks!
Well if I find them, I will give you their flayed skin and a few other bits and bobs that I might remove from them.
Liliancat! Leave me alone .... please ...
That is hands down one of the greatest photos ever created......Could be titled something like "Don't ever call me a pussy again!"
You two are sooooooooooo evil lol but I love you both "huggies snuggles cubby" meany
That's a dangerous pussy....LMAO!
I love you kitteh muaks!
But the look on poor dog's face .....help!
Lol .... title could be .... gimme more catnip or the dog gets it!
That is freaky!
haha That is what a Mantis does. They enjoy copying from the exorcist lol Watch out, it may vomit pea soup on you Cubby. >:)
haha cubby
Stop it mord ....... that is crazy scary ...
Deepavali is next week and we are not prepared!
Since I am not allowed in the kitchen to help with the cookies ... I will be helping with the curtains and washing of the windows.
I feel exhausted just thinking about it.
But we are going to keep things simple because we will be travelling the week after.
Anyway I just finished sorting the reports for my manager. Going to bed now.
Need to be at the office early and I need to up be at 5am.
Good night Everyone ... Muaks!
War isn't hell, its fun! Have at them Cubby, tear them a new asshole and stick hot pokers in them.
Yes Sir! o.O Ewwww I don't want to touch them inappropriately though ... lol
Okie ... I am going to say it .... I love you!
And I...Wait, What? Who?! Damn!
I love you tooooooooooooooo :P "sprinkle you with colorful serpatine"
*giggles* Group hugs!!!! I love you all ..... o.O after Bandit of cos! :p
That is terrible, you should hate, not love haha. Jokes aside, I would feel sorry for whoever you are stalking but I am too evil, have fun and be merciless. >:)
Bandit is LORDMOGY's puppy ... and I LOVE HIM!
Be merciless .... :D I like that
Oh goodness! I think I may have a crush ... *slaps self* ... nooo! I need to be a nun! I can't get distracted like this ...
There is nothing wrong with having a crush or loving people. I personally find it to be a great joy in life.
I'm flattered. Thanks! 😍 (Hey, I can dream) 😁
@mogy .... only feverdreams:p
@guardian ... but also a curse
Pewdiepie .... im crushing on pewdiepie!
Give into your desires, hedonism and freedom is much more fun than being repressed, track down the son of the bitch and tackle him until he submits. >:)
@mord ... lol ... you trying to get me arrested aren't you lol
And not to mention a restraining order against you! Lol
He trip when he on it ... one taste and he want it ...
O okay then.
Not sure about that first part, but I can relate to that 2nd part. ^_-
Bunneh!!!!! Should I get a Note 8 or not?
The screen is huge and the display is beautiful. But I heard that the battery sucks.
Help me decide :(
I read around and see how long people who brought it are saying the battery life is... then decide but yeah the display I have seen and it is beautiful I would say yes. My brother brought one, and likes it. I never herd him complain about the battery.
When I saw it on display, I fell in love with it but wanted to wait it out a bit. Just to see all the reviews and stuff.
I guess I will be getting it then. :D
I dont think its worth it if the battery dosnt last.
So ... i went into the Victoria Secret store to buy the cherry bomb lip gloss .... walked out with 4 additional items I had no intention of buying. In my defence, it is friday and I am allowed to be vain :p
point taken dont let cubby buy things at friday ;)
Haha happens to me as well but with Bath and Body Works lmao!
If it's clothing, post a selfie modeling it. ^_-
LOL @ Mogy. Hmm, Lily... cherry bomb lip gloss from VS.... ;) I always think a lady shopping at VS at any time is a good thing for my gender. Oh how we rep the benefits of you ladies shopping there.
Now dont temp me love. VS has the best .... innerwear.... that and Triumph "winks"
So now I know why men accompany their women to VS! o.O All for their benefit!!! Ha!
.... oh and ... their lip gloss is as sexy as their innerwear. :p
Today I sat through a 3 hour meeting ... I was basically sleeping with eyes wide open ... Staring at the presentation slides blankly and nodding occasionally to make it seem like I understood what was going on.
After the meeting I had to check on the staff who, I recently did a PIP on. Basically I am babysitting her ... checking her things making sure she isn't hiding anything.
I didn't get to do any of my daily work. I even had to stay behind for an hour to help my manager an enhancement she is working on.
On my way home ... I started replying to my Whatsapp messages .... which I received in the morning ... lol ...
Soooo ... I am going to bed early ... I will bite anyone who tries to wake me up! Grrrrrr
Bite anyone who wakes you eh? Ok I am get a lots of innocent people to wake you up and get injured for it >:)
Lol ... noone died last night .... phew!
Me? A Vampire? O.o
Imma beast sir ... a fluffy one.
With chocolate filling?
just as good...especially if your a guy with a buttered bagel...
Chocolate filling!!!!
Food is infinitely better than human companionship. Lol.
Noooooo......Donuts are evil!
Donuts are pure deliciousness especially the ones with the creme cheese frosting! *drools*
I am friendly and playful ... but I am not easy! You can use many different profiles to try to flirt with me ... but you are not getting anywhere.
I have been on VR for about 6 years and I am still not used to getting perverted messages. Every time I receive these weird messages I quickly log off. Because I don't know how to handle them. I miss papa Dan ... I miss running to him like a big baby.
I feel stranded and vulnerable ...
Sometimes its just really lonely guys ...but if it super perverted ...you should just block them
Hey, I only have one profile and all I said was 'Good Day Ma'am'.....Geeesh!
Delete them hun and dont pay attention. Some people are idiots enough to think that being a pervet is cool. Delete and in the people who wont stop we always have the block button. "Pick up her bat" and I can kick anyone you like. You know Lily is here for you
@MurderKidd ... If he messages me again that is exactly what I am going to do.
@LORDMOGY ... *hits your arm* you shush! lol
@TheGunslinger ... o.O *tackles Gunslinger and bites him*
@Liliancat ... muaks! Thank you for being there. I just stopped replying to him. I hope he gets the hint.
I hope I'm not considered one of the usual suspects. Yes, I admit I can be a bit of a stalker at times but I do find it sad that there are so many low lifes that feel the need to force themselves on others......it should be considered a crime and they definitely need to be taught respect. As for the real culprit, I suggest you break out the bat and go for the kneecaps as I think you suggested in one of your previous entries...
Just send me after them, I will skin them alive and make them eat their own spleen before they die of shock, perhaps any family members they have (regardless of age) can share their fate. These pathetic lowlifes need to learn to leave you alone but idiots like them tend not learn their lesson until parts has been taken from their body.
*hides behind mord*
16:09 Oct 27 2017
Thats amazing cubby dear. You are a pure soul wanting to help and bring hapiness to others. Be safe sweetie and have a safe journey please. We will miss you "hugs"
19:50 Oct 27 2017
Aww that's awesome! I really love humanitarian people. I helping too. With money, clothes and food.
I wish you safe journey be safe ~hugs ~
BTW be careful with Indian street food. Because my brother end up in hospital because of street food when he was in New Delhi.
00:18 Oct 28 2017
Wow you really are every guys dream girl lol
00:18 Oct 28 2017
Wow you really are every guys dream girl lol
04:48 Oct 28 2017
Have fun and good luck! You are totally amazing my dear and be safe!