Well, hmmm
Find some spaghetti, elbow macaroni or egg noodles and you could be in business.
Find a pot that can hold more than 1 liter of water. Set the pot onto the burner and pour approximately 1 liter of water into the pot. Turn the heat setting for that burner to high. Please stay where you can see the pot, the water should heat fairly quickly.
Once the water is boiling turn the heat setting down to medium high(between medium and high), carefully add the pasta to the water, I don't want you to burn yourself. If you are using spaghetti you may need to break the noodles in half to fit them in the pot.
Stir the noodles so they do not stick together.
Let them cook 7 to 8 minutes and then drain the water and add the sauce to the pasta. You don't even need to heat it.
Just follow Moonkissed's directions and you should be fine.
My English teacher once assigned us to write the instructions for making a peanut butter sandwich; explicit instructions as though they would be followed to the letter. That was a hard assignment.
okie ... wads this i hear about adding oil and salt to the water ... is that necessary? Or can i skip the part?
so i dont have to cook the sauce? Jus por it over the pasta and eat?
The salt is for flavor and completely unnecessary.
The oil will keep the pasta from sticking but if it splatters you are risking a fire. You can use it but you do not need it.
The pasta will be hot and will heat the sauce when you mix it in.
You did ask for easy, yes?
It's hard for me to be simple since I've cooked for years but here goes. Cook the pasta with the directions the others have given you (I use salt in the water).
Then using med/hi heat in a separate skillet cook 1 pound of ground beef or Italian sausage. Add salt and pepper and break it into small pieces and stir till it's browned (cooked through). Then slowly pour the jar of sauce over the cooked meat and stir till it's heated together.
Then serve it over the pasta. If you have grated parmesan cheese sprinkle some on top.
Cubby , be sure to stay with the preparation and don't walk away at any time. Wear an apron and use pot holders when needed to touch or hold the pots.
so .... i cooked minced meat in the pan ... then pour the sauce over it and let it cook ...
Im going to use minced chicken ... i dont eat beef since im hindu ...
okie ... i boil the pasta ... with some salt ...
okie how do i know when the pasta is done?
and how do i know when to add the sauce?
okie ... i feel like an idiot :(
I've been cooking since I was 16.
well.. with mum since four.
you're NOT stupid.
people are trying to help as you're showing the desire to try.
how to tell when it's ready...?
it'll be soft to the touch.
Since you are using minced chicken add some oil (I use olive oil) to the pan first and get it warm before you add the chicken. The chicken will be pink and you want it turn white and just a bit of light brown before you add the sauce.
Basically follow what they said and just make sure the Chicken is fully done as well.You don't want any raw chicken in your meal.
Trust me,I know how it is not to be able to cook,but I learned at a young age as well since I raised my younger sister from Infancy.
that's a bit messed up o.O
Thats bad,, **Pouts** and goes to Corner..Eating the extra plate of cookies (evil grins)
*giggles* I'm innocent!!!!
How did that happen?
you.. innocent! **laughter**
Before working in a lingerie store I worked in a bakery, and I learned how to make all kinds of cup cakes. I even know how to decorate one to look like a lady bug.
a lady bug? lol ... that would be awfully cute ... never had one of those too ...
*Noms on cuppycake*
Oh it IS delicious... I LIVE for cream cheese frosting!
I have the same argument for people who say they are vampires in the Bible. People will always color things the way they want to see them. There is no one in the Bible who lives by drinking blood (even in The Book Of Enoch)- and as for Holy Communion, it's not about vampirism at all.
A 'monster' eating flesh or even drinking blood at times is quite different from a being that lives on blood as their livelihood.
You should definitely write more about Hindu mythology. It's interesting.
I used to be obsessed with the culture of ancient Greece, then it was Egypt, but now Hinduism is my obsession. haha.
Very interesting. Honestly, before reading this, I could have sworn that the Hindu did have a vampire mythology too. Wow...
I learn something new every day :)
Thank you! :P
I agree, you should write more about this Cubby. Hinduism is very interesting and we could learn so much from you. :)
thanks for the info cubby
I agree. I'd love to see more on Hindu beliefs. One thing I love about VR is the diversity and the chance to learn new things everyday..
aye... I learnt something, appreciated.
16:53 Apr 21 2011
I am absolutely certain that you will do remarkably in your tests :D
I know you don't need it but... GOOD LUCK! xD
18:15 Apr 21 2011
I studied took everything to stay awake in class....Now I use to work a full time job and a part time job and went to school full time..but this was before I became a mom, if could manage to get my A.A anyone can.
I suggest a lot of red bull and if ya want your papers to be real interesting add a bit of vodka to that red bull. :p
10:09 Apr 22 2011
You'll do great Cubby!
*Leaves a plate of brain power cookies*