FeralHeart's Journal

FeralHeart's Journal


Honor: 25    [ Give / Take ]


10 entries this month

01:28 May 27 2020
Times Read: 579


Infinite possibilities. Two of pentacles is a sign that you're on the right path and to continue with the small daily goals that will make your larger goals and dreams possible. Don't lose sight of the forest for the trees and keep up the good work.



03:47 May 27 2020


20:04 May 21 2020
Times Read: 596

The crows of the Two of Cups share the energy of water traveling between two cups and a divided heart. Between them is a caduceus symbolizing negotiation and partnership. The Two of Cups may represent a new romantic relationship or a new take on an old one.. It may also foretell of a robust and confident business relationship. Together, the pair is balanced and equally satisfied, and share a unified vision. Similar to the Lovers, the Two of Cups denotes a karmic connection, although it doesn't necessarily mean a romantic one.



21:19 May 21 2020

That's a beautiful card, I have 6 decks and orders 4 more, I can't wait to get them.

That's a cool reading thank you

01:29 May 27 2020

It's actually from the book because at times I'm too lazy to do it myself...besides this deck is pretty on point.

Thank you and thanks for commenting.
Which decks are you getting?


14:33 May 19 2020
Times Read: 603


Keywords: alchemy, resourcedulness, creativeness, manifesting
Element: Air

Connecting the physical world with the spiritual realm, the Magician crow pulls the energy of the four suits representing earth, air, fire, and water to create a spark that has the power to manifest into a transformative idea. Rising above the craggy desolate mountains lined by red and white roses at the base, the Magician symbolizes the first steps of generating success. He has the ability to carve out the desired path through difficulty, using life experiences and a pure heart.




17:53 May 18 2020
Times Read: 618

The King of Cups is a zen master who has complete control over his emotions. This regal bird can handle the most tumultuous of situations with grace and compassion. When you receive a royal visit from the King of Cups, it may be a signal to take some quiet time to reflect on the emotions around the situation. WHat emotional triggers seem to pop up regularly that hold back progress?

This card has seemed to pop up at least once a week now and each time I can relate it to my life and where I have had to act he calm mediator or just be there as someone is going through a rough patch. I can definitely relate it to situations on and off-line. Here's hoping it works and the day gets better and brighter.

I'm off to work on my blog, as VR has been a positivity drain this morning/afternoon.



20:35 May 18 2020


22:32 May 16 2020
Times Read: 640

Using my Hermetic Tarot deck today..

The Three of Pentacles encourages you to continue developing the new skills needed for working with a group or alone on a goal. Do not give into fear or feel disheartened if progress is slow. It may be an indication that you need to bring in a little help in the form of a mentor, but nonetheless you will experience success.


The King of Swords is a strategic and logical card. Using methodical steps and processes, he is the one who figures out positive solutions that benefit the group. His strength and poise set him apart from the rest. This King is comfortable in the role of leader but is not power hungry. The energy of this card will bring a prudent and clear vision of success to the situation. The King may enter as a trusted advisor or may indicate that you are a source of reliable information that will benefit others.




15:05 May 14 2020
Times Read: 658

I pulled two cards by accident together, so that was my sign to read them both for my daily reading..

The Devil(Reversed): The Devil reversed is a sign that you are no longer blinded by the materialism and over-indulgence of the Devil. You can free your mind from the shackles that have kept you from realizing your real potential.

The Fool:
Keywords: Innocence, Beginnings, Free-spirit, Faith, Adventure
Element: Air

Unafraid, the crow doesn't waiver a big and has faith that the log and river will provide a great adventure. In the distance there is a wind blowing, whistling a warning. Yet the crow remains faithful knowing that despite how stormy or choppy the waters may become in the future the log will keep her afloat. The Fool card asks that you have faith in the Universe and live fearlessly. You will come through the storm. If you allow hope to replace fear, imagine the adventures you have waiting.



15:39 May 14 2020

17:56 May 18 2020

They definitely are... People are scared of these two cards but they only signify change. Change should not be scary as everything is under constant change...


15:37 May 13 2020
Times Read: 680

The High Priestess is my personality card, meaning that it is the card that most personifies who I am. I always feel most myself when I happen to pull her in my readings and it usually means that I am going to have a wonderful day where I can utilize my talents to their greatest potential. Days like this are good for practicing skills, learning, or anything to do with intuition. Sometimes when I pull the High Priestess it is a sign that I need to pay attention or otherwise come back to myself.

Keywords: Intuition, Spirit guides, Divine guidance, Magick
Element: Water(in correspondence with my sun sign)

The High Priestess takes the spark created by the Magician and transforms the idea into a tangible reality. Like a shadow passing in the night, her energy is present and can be felt in the gut, but not always seen. Her intuitive power lies in the spiritual unconscious, allowing the High Priestess to soar back and forth through the veil bringing with her divine knowledge. Perched on the moon and surrounded by the four suits, your connection with the High Priestess is active at this time and should be utilized. She comes ready to deliver the answers you seek through dreams and symbols. Pay attention: she is with you.

Advice: visualize the desired result as an accomplished fact, and act as if you are already what you want to be and you shall be.




17:06 May 08 2020
Times Read: 701

The crow in the tree pays no attention to the cup in the sky, nor has any interest in discovering the contents of the cups below. He sits detached from his community, unmotivated to do much of anything, and is bored by yet another shiny object. The Four of Cups speaks of a time of depression and the inability to find anything to be excited about. You may be in a time of self imposed darkness whether it is from a disappointment or a bad relationship. The Four of Cups asks that you go inward and look for what brought you to this place of discontentment. It also may be a good time to take stock of all the things that have been going well, as that is the quickest way to raise low spirits.

I pulled a card for advice, as the Four of Cups was right on target with how I've been feeling for weeks now:

Keywords: inner strength, passion, virility, confidence
Element: Fire
It is not through brute force that this crow has achieved the challenging goal of taming the wild beast; it is because she has mastered her ability to connect with a higher frequency, channeling trust and respect. The positive energy she radiates enables the crow to balance confidently on the lion's nose, not in conquest but out of mutual respect. The crow has learned how to remove her ego, quieting the hum of fear, allowing her to hear the inner guidance of her higher conscious. It is from this place she wields the true power of strength. The Strength card suggests you will have an experience that requires you to summon the power that comes only from exercising inner peace and freeing yourself from the influence of ego and fear.




17:36 May 06 2020
Times Read: 716

The young crow uses his strength and stamina to carry the sword through an intense energy storm. Along the way, he may have lost a few feathers, but it was a small price to pay for a chance at something more significant. The Page has found his stride and approaches the goal with a steady and relentless determination. The Page of Swords arrives with a message to throw caution at the wind, get out there and fly! The time is now to take action. The Page denotes movement, energy and communication, all of which are essential for embarking on a new adventure.



19:37 May 06 2020


Daily Pull

20:46 May 05 2020
Times Read: 730

Keywords: innocence, beginnings, free spirit, faith, adventure
Element: Air
Unafraid, the crow doesn't waver a bit and has faith that the log and river will provide a great adventure. In the distance there is a wind blowing, whistling a warning. Yet the crow remains faithful despite how stormy and choppy the waters may become in the future the log will keep her afloat. The Fool card asks that you have faith in the Universe and live fearlessly. You will come through the storm. If you allow hope to replace fear, imagine the adventures you have waiting.



23:54 May 05 2020

I love that card...

18:13 May 18 2020

I do as well...but I love this entire deck, art wise. It's also very accurate and helpful. My other is pretty hardcore with readings and doesn't sugar coat at all. This one is just kindly honest, which I like.

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