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11:43 Oct 08 2005
Times Read: 529

Awww... Sweet music, well for me actually.

Metal, now this every one 'knows' but what some people think is metal is a disgrace... My god, that group called 'Linkin Park'... How can people find it to be a metal group ? Sure ok it is a rock group, well yes until they did that split (hehehe LP making a split I'm stupid) a 'single' with that retarded whatever he's called... anyways, now it's just some fucking gay rap group with a stupid kid acting he's screaming !

People go back to the real metal roots... Get your self a Marduk cd or a 1349 cd (recomend Hellfire for 1349).

Those are metal groups !!! Please no more of those groups where they just whine about how hard their life is even though they get payed 10000ds to do some peice of shit of a cd!!!! IT's PATHETIC.

But let's move on shall we... let's have a little laugh... at those who find Slipknot to be 'Muthefukin osome ! sooooo brutl man !' Oh please, (sure ok I was a huge fan of slipknot) listen to the last album, ok they have gotten a little more technical, but NO BRUTALNESS !! Get an Vomitory cd or a Ultra Vomit cd or even the great Mortician cd ! That is pure gore/brutal metal !!

Ok I'll continue another day... to tired





15:26 Oct 05 2005
Times Read: 535

Why has violence become one of the most important things in the life of a man today ? They either find it attractive or 'scary'... It's pathetic, violence is one of man's first thoughts. Yes it is man isn't that complicated they will do anything for what they want and that's everywhere the same thing. No one is different in this subject, every type of humain wants something in their life.

Some of these people use violence to get what they want. Is it correct ? Of course it is, violence is a natural act, it is not because you are 'psycopath' or 'schizo' that you are a violent person. Every one is violent even kids !

But this fear of violence is new, because of books, tv, news ect. ect. people fear something that isn't true ! Violence isn't 'scary' you'll die in a violent fight because of your fear not because of the pain you invent the pain since you're scared !




"Death's Religion" Chapter 12 of the Vargsmal

17:46 Oct 02 2005
Times Read: 541

Pornography is becoming more and more accepted and customary. We can read advertisements in newspapers that say they can teach us to have a better sex life. We learn also that we have no reason to be shameful about our naked bodies and that pornography is tearing down prejudice against "a better and more open sex life".

The best, maybe only, way to have a better sex life is to make it more forbidden and for others to try the same with their stable partner. It takes time to learn what the partner holds most dearly. Pornography is taking part in making the naked body something daily and the sex life something valid. Regardless of what one does, pornography accepts it. Yes, it actually glorifies it with someone elegant. It's like proof that you are unbiased and a modern person. The excitement of doing something forbidden disappears, and the feeling you are doing what no one else is. These things are what the individual loves. Pornography takes this from us.

We get people that don't try to find someone that elegant, people go longer and longer, and we then they rape children, gladly their own. They rape adults we get necrophilia, sado-masochism, sodomy, those that dress up and pronounce another form of a sick sex life.

Devil-worshippers are a variant of this! They are those that for example go off to rape women, most likely virgins, on alters and dress up like priests in order to get excited. The women gladly participate and let themselves voluntarily get raped. (I will assert that women who let men carry out these actions are participating in raping their own body, their dignity, and the woman itself). This is nothing else than an assault on women regardless of if she is participating or not. It has, in reality, nothing to do with devil worship other than that they worship the sickness and deformities in themselves.

Many who are against pornography are against this because they know themselves they are like cheap whores. Feminists are a good example. They respond to how women are depicted as cheap whores. The feminists become what they are talking about. They will not accept that they are cheap whores like the women in pornography are labeled as. They prefer to be like cheap whores without anyone knowing about it. They shame themselves over themselves. Actually they have not thought about it before they see pornography, which gives away the truth about themselves like a punch in the face, and they respond by oppressing the truth, removing the truth! Other feminists become envious of the women in pornography and it's because they are so bad that they never will experience what happens there! They become shocked of pornography. For they think like cheap whores and should have done anything in order to take part in a sort of pornographic orgy. They dream about it, and every time they see or hear about pornography they're reminded of this dream. They want to do away with porn, "the women oppressor".

It is not only porno that takes part in destroying the healthy sex life. The entire Jewish system takes part in this. There are many Jews that fight with porno and the "whore culture mentality", but what they don't understand is that they try to fight the problem with the problems own origin, and that certainly is the Jewish christian self. Christendom is entirely heathonic - all that is done is for personal pleasure. Monks that live in monasteries and torture themselves with this, do it only in order to increase their chance to get into "heaven" when they die. "The heavens" are a material paradise, here they can revel unrestrained in all the worlds and beyond for eternal time. Why should they manage to get away from the whore culture's physical pleasure when they themselves glorify it?

I talk about sex and materialism being two sided of the same cause. I do it because I cannot see anything other than material pleasure in today's sex. It is nothing other than precisely what it is - materialism. It focuses on the naked body, and I call this materialism, that the body is looked at as an object. A "pleasure object".

-Varg Vikernes.





16:36 Oct 01 2005
Times Read: 543

There will be a day when humains will have destroyed each other and will not be capable of reproducting.

It won't be what we have been told with God destroying the planet and satan comming out of it. That's almost a charicature of the end of the world. No the world wont disapear into nothing-ness, humanity will...



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