I am somewhat exhausted as of late,between my studies of language as well as the studies of things many don't believe in. it is rewarding though and I feel happiness of it as well I just wish I could share with others who may have more knowledge to offer but we can't get everything we want in life,ooo my I seem to Drabble when I'm in a sleepy mood,I must bore you do I not? But for now I'll give myself a rest of typing and see what this life has in store for my worriesome life.haha until next time dearys
Deafening,blood raising,straining,death inducing
Nothing in the void of my life and out my mouth
This world is full of people in glass cases
I broke From mine,left Shattered as the master chases me
Screaming is nothing in this place, I'm alone I wonder..
Maybe I merely am just a nuisance yes
My life was nothing to begin with and nothing at the end
Here yes,alive no and it's painful
No sounds no sounds, I begin to wonder when will they come
SILENECE! screams across this world,never forgotten
I realize it was me I'm nothing cracking in this "perfect" world
I smile in delight and I feel myself being pulled apart to the bone
It's utter peace as I sing my last note "SILENECE"
I dream about colorful things everything from my death to my rebirth. I dream about my bones being charred to dust and my baby dead even before I am even with child. It's strange I see horrible things yet I also see beautiful things arousing things and even just simple mindless dreams. Premonitions I wish never came true and would go back to whence they came it's quite an intresting site in my head isn't it? Ahh I love it and hate it. I'm not scared no but merely so tired of this resounding earth and it's intolerable pain it causes me, will I ever know why maybe but in this life who knows? It's painful but so be it I will suffer with it in my own world.