That's, fast, shit kicking country. Didn't expect that after Bauhaus didja :) Anyway...this song will hopefully be my weekend as it was already the feel of last night.
I like getting
high on speed
and runnin' around like some jack rabbit
that's looking to breed
oh lord
I'm a hard living man
And I like riding
them rails of companion
and rolling on down
like some hell bound train
oh lord
I'm a hard living man
I've been known
to gamble
lose more than I win
I've been known
to dabble
in the ways of sin
Some live their lives
like a stagnating pond
just sit in one place
and never moving on
Oh lord
that ain't the way that I am
If life'd be a river
with rapids so wild
I'll go over that waterfall
with a smile
as I die
oh a hard living man
I've been known
to gamble
lose more than I win
I've been known
to dabble
in the ways of sin
Momma says you can't live this hard
but she also knows you can't tame the heart
of this
living hard living man
I've been known
to gamble
lose more than I win
I've been known
to dabble
in the ways of sin
oh lord
I'm a hard living man
Can someone explain to me the reasoning for disabling 'right click' on a profile? Something beyond, "I wanted to annoy as many visitors as possible."
I've only heard of two reasons thus far and both are wrong:
Reason one - To protect my images - well doesn't. I can grab images and drag them off the browser to my desktop and it does the same thing. I don't need to right click in order to download...hell anything that can be done with the right click, can be done either with a menu selection or by using the left click...which brings me to the second excuse I've heard
Reason two - to keep my source code hidden - hot off the presses is this little tidbit of info...if I'm looking at your page and I go to my menu, I can select "view source code". Instantly I can see all the same code that I would with a right click. So that's wrong too.
Do people have any other reasons? "I don't want it easy for you to open a new tab" "I don't like the fact that you have a right click and I don't" "I wanted to be different" ?? Clue me in...just realize that it doesn't offer any protection of your material.
I see so much in the way of copyrights on this site. Don't get me wrong, it's great that your proud of your work it's just that well...most of it is crap :P
Your prom pictures, run through a photoshop filter, does not constitute art that someone is going to steal. A pic of the sky or even *gasp* a sunset, is in little danger of becoming the next album cover or even a cheap calendar. Realistically, the photos we post are all to low of a resolution to use professionally anyway. Even the really good stuff isn't going to get ripped so chill, my brothers and sisters. Don't feel the need to put a homemade (poorly designed) watermark across your images.
Some folks have done some fairly good drawings or tracings as most appear to be. Some people have really got a knack for photo editing. I know however of only a couple people on this site whos work is good enough to warrant use by others...those folks also understand that even then, no one is likely to use them without permission. What I'm saying is even those on this site who model, who have professionally accepted photos, don't put a big copyright across the image. They understand the nature of the web and the likelyhood of their photos being 'stolen'...why don't you?
Am I just jaded today or feeling extra feisty?
Double Dare:
I dare you, to be real
To touch a flickering flame
The pangs of dark delight
Don't cower in night fright
Don't back away just yet
From destinations set
I dare you to be proud
To dare to shout aloud
For convictions that you feel
Like sound from bells to peal
I dare you to speak of your despise
For bureaucracy, hypocracy- all liars
I dare
I dare
I dare- you- you
That's right. Some of us are actually going so far as to make the rest of us a little more stupid just by reading your forum posts.
That's not meant to be bitchy or mean. Let's be honest...some folks are so intent on posting that they do so regardless of how well they know a subject. That doesn't mean belief subjects because really...believe what you want you know...I'm not here to step on your faith.
But don't tell me that the word 'witch' is latin and means 'wise one' and don't tell me that the Necronomicon was really written by the mad arab or that you can and do drink pints of blood at a time. It's not even a question of honesty. It's disinformation. What you're doing is putting out false information and claiming it as the truth and the truth is you probably don't even know you're doing it. You're just repeating something you've heard somewhere but stating it like you're some expert.
We all know that many people will read just a portion of a thread. We know that because half the time a posting just a couple down from the accepted facts or supported definitions and links is someone blurting out the same wrong bullshit again. What that means is that if someone doesn't read the whole thread...and manages to read your post based on false knowledge or heresay without reading further down where it's've just made a bunch of people more dumb. You've taken their education back a step. I hope you're happy with that.
Seriously though...if ya don't know...don't say it like you do or at least give it some qualifying "this is what I heard" disclaimer.
Rant over...I know...useless anyway.
Because you're young, sharp as a knife
You need that buzz to come alive
Out on the edge, out on the town
You ain't got time to settle down
You're always sure, you're always right
You see it all in black and white
You never listen to anyone
Because you're young
Because you're young, you're torn between
A world of hate and a world of dreams
So much to lose, so much to gain
So much to fight for, so much to change
You don't look back, you don't look down
You gotta turn everything around
You live your life like a loaded gun
Because you're young
Stop talking back, get off the phone
You're late again, you missed the last bus home
This ain't the way you wanna live
I know something's got to give
You're always sure, you're always right
You see it all in black and white
You never listen to anyone
Because you're young
This particular post was so in-line with what I find annoying about some of the modern living vampire youth that I felt it (and my response) was worth keeping. Interestingly enough and perhaps this is the sign of a positive sea change, there were far fewer posts this time around that nauseatingly said, "People fear what they don't understand"...but there were still some of them.
I am respectful of peoples decisions to be what they are and believe what they wish, but if that's vampirism, don't make it seem like you're really living a hard life because of it...and I beg you not to mention 'hunters' or 'shunned' if you wish me to remain silent.
Marplot (4)
Posts: 16
Posted: 00:19:58 - Aug 26 2007
Times viewed: 406
For as long as I can remember people have shunned our kind and it forever haunts me with every feeding, could this be what fules(sic) me to live? But thats just an extra question,the real question is why must we be the targets for humor and riddicule?
Sire (28)
Posts: 1228
Posted: 20:17:56 - Sep 10 2007
Times viewed: 12
Firstly - Shunned sounds so we're living in the middle ages and the Holy Roman Emperor has just given an edict against you...
Second - Are you really 'shunned' for being what you are or is it for discussing something that the average person finds uncomfortable. Blood drinking is creepy for some, sexual (and therefore personal) to others, and just plain nutty and pointless to others still. For a very few, blood drinking (or energy vampirism) is a metaphysical practice, belief or faith. No one is chasing you with torches and pitchforks based on you being what you are.
However, if you try to explain it to anyone and everyone that you feed off others, most will probably just think your crazy or lying or both and not give it a second thought. Even then, they're still going to let you sit at the same counter, get on the same bus, eat next to them in a restaurant, and use the same drinking fountain. Most people don't fear you (that's wishful thinking) and your not being shunned just ignored or made fun of. Let's try to be realistic about what is happening and why.