I need to put down a record here at home...to make it real to Me...
To be completely honest I have been struggling on how to write this for weeks now...
Not knowing exactly what to say and how to say it...Just knowing something had to be said...So I ask for patients and understanding...
takes a deep breath and begins
On Sept. 9th 2017 I was physically assaulted with a deadly weapon...(a steak knife)...sexually assaulted...(not raped)...personal property vandalized..( My phone was all but destroyed...cloths ripped)...and robbery...(my toy bag worth over 1500 dollars)
I was blessed by the grace of God...I escaped with My life...the fake client..so called man...threatened My life for over two hours...put his hands on Me more times then I can count...ripping My shirt down...and doing his best to get under My skirt...but out of everything...the biggest threat...was the fact he kept telling Me..that he had a little girl in the home...there are more details...I REALLY dont wish to speak about here at the moment...
The reason why I am sharing this is so I can help it not happen to someone else...I have all the details of this person...and the residence I went to...
From this experience... I am learning to be ALOT more careful... and take My time to get to know My new clients better...as well as the way I handle safety for Myself...
Mentally...this experience has and will forever change Me...I am at this moment trying My best to except the things I can change...as well as the ones I cant...and the knowledge to know the difference...I have been attacked before...and trust Me...it does not get easier no matter how many times it happens...