you know what..I am sick to death of everyone judging me..I am at the point I just dont give a flying fuck anymore....I am a 36 year old Christian..Mother...daughter...lover....switch..who lives by my heart....I do the very best I can by others...maybe even to much...I have problems and issues...just like everyone cut me..I do bleed...I believe in God..that there is still hope for humanity...I believe a parent is a parent and not the government because God gave them to the parent....I believe that we should help each other not hurt each see your neighbor in need you say hey!...what can I do?...what happen to our kids playing outdoors..using their imaginations?...instead of stuck in a or phone?...and who the crap cares what color or religion you are?...IT IS NOT OUR PLACE TO JUDGE!!!...REMEMBER THAT FELLOW CHRISTIANS?...I am bi...are you now going to be afraid Im going to molest your kids?...or come on to you? know nothing about me except what I tell you....The hate...hurt...over whelming BS I feel from everyone around me makes me want to scream!!!...everyone is so worried about...what everyone else is co worker took sick days..but I know they are not sick..or why did so and so go over you know whos house the other night after you know what they are doing...oh! is my fav....they looked me with such attitude last night....WHO THE HELL CARES!!!!....WHY DO YOU CARE?.....are you sure they meant the look for you? you know what was going on with them?...I get it now...your a damn mind reader...!..PLEASE.. for the sake of humanity STOP!...dosent anyone see what we are doing to each other?..why dont you care?....people are dyeing...hurting...confused...pushed beyond their limits...theirs lives are falling apart...our human race I am sorry to say I am ashamed of...we worry to much about drama...and stupidity..that we forget what is important...doesnt everyone know we could lose everything we know in a blink of an eye?...what is wrong with us?...all I can say is.. sheep..if you dont see...know...or understand..your sheep...and Im sorry if it makes me wrong...but I am not sheep...and Im NOT going to follow the crowd...I hope and pray to God that everyone will wake up as well...God bless..take care...