I have always been odd and different....and when it comes to God...I am the same way...we were all made in his image...so I talk to him as if I was talking to one of us....and today..even though I have been having a very hard time...I want to to thank him for my life that I have had...even though I may not understand it all...I have had some amazing things happen and met some amazing people through out my journey...and I pray I continue...he has never let me down...this song goes to him..as well as to a very special mortal he made...thank you...I know I need to say it more..truly...honestly...thank you...
Even in so much of a mess...he makes me so stupid happy...WTF!..unreal...he lets me be me...no matter how crazy...no judgement...he may frown...and know he may have to take care of me a bit more...but its truly okay...he holds my my heart at this very moment...he holds me....the support instead of bullshit..blows my mind...he gives me my space...he doesnt when I need him...even when I dont even know it......I feel as if i am in a parallel universe....he encourages me....pushes me...loves me....I keep falling for him...more and more...even after over two decades....he fucks me up...what am I feeling?..what is he doing?...is it possible he can make me be able to handle change?... God I hope so...because I have found my new drug...my Thomas....you make me to happy for words...