I will never understand the reasoning behind sending someone an accusatory message and then blocking them so they can't respond.
You were mistaken about what you thought had happened. I had actually rated your cam a 5. We have chatted before, though you obviously don't recall.
Good thing I don't need to be liked by everyone on this site. Hell, there are very few on here that I even "allow" to be in my circle of friends.
Some advice: Don't react so quickly next time you think someone has done or said something against you. Make sure you have your facts straight before you go on the defensive.
12:12 Jan 01 2013
(trying here to make a wise crack)
This message and block, is the new vr thing....... yeah, its a 'happening thing' ya know...... and/or the new hot topic....
20:37 Jan 01 2013
I never block. That's a feature used when a person isn't capable of dealing with the lame attempts of others trying to push their buttons. My buttons are push-proof. ;)