Oks i really wanna curse and throw stones at someone that lied me again about the same thing, not sure perhaps was intentional a deliberate trip for me to try and see how much one can hurt me ohh well i think i will start to get back very soon if i dont get some appologies or anwsers from the onces that tricked me might have been best for me to forget it all and to let go but i didnt sharpen my nails just to look good. Ohh i am preaty much ready my friends know i am, that i try do be calm and peacefull but when 2 diferent persons do the same thing to you one must ask him self what the fuck. Well i am making my stand might be my last in that chat service i dont say its name, but at least i will know the truth is allways better even when someone seems to love the lie.
i love the night because of many things but most of all because its always silent because it do not talk back and it greats me in her hands. I love it she a mother am her child that in her arms runs wild, to keep me calm to keep me safe. They call me freak they cll me strange but the words like from rock they brake i dont care let them speakin my mind they are weak/
I hate this day I hate it. Was out dressed in my usual black clothes i have sharp longer then usual fingernails so people ware staring when i took the bus. It remanded me why i walk. I hate this fucking waste of life city it chokes me. Thanks for the night she comes every day to give me solitude and helping hand from the everyday crap.