Caged in darkness where no light can reach
Far beyond hope's bountiless peace
Last in this endless fathom
Where wicked creatures come to feast
And I am continually troubled by Hell's gerat beast
I've lost my sight to this deep night
My strength has failed me
I am laid low
With every passage of the moon I suffer a deeper wound
I bleed and bleed and cannot stop
Nothing can stem the flow
The pool at my feet will grow and grow
I rage in my cage
My cage goes by the names sadness and pain
I can hardly stay san
My anger clouds my brain
Beating at the bars I rattle my chains
It’s hard to see here in this darkness
So bleak and black
I can barely breathe
Retched gasps escape me
Abandoned and alone
I wait for someone to take me home
But my heart knows the truth
No one will come
No one will save me
Is this what they call bravery
Suffering in silence
Alone and unheard
Never to know warmth and love
i rise to feed this black fathomless night.
i rise to hunt.
you are my prey.
i come for you.
you can't keep me away.
you life's essence gleams off my fangs.
the excess flows from my mouth and down my chin.
i give a truly wicked grin.
my heart ceased to beat long ago.
its gone cold as ice and snow.
look into my eyes so you can see that my soul no longer resides in me.
i am human no more.
i am changed.
i am new.
a creature of the night.
a thing of darkness and fright.
it pleases me to see your fear.
i hear your heart beat loud in my ear.
come closer my dear.
let me lick your neck then drink my fill.
you are at the mercy of my will.
close your eyes.
yes that's right.
let it all go.
let it flow into me.
i take what was once yours and make it mine.
i only leave a shell behind.
It’s all I feel
The flames of my ire give me vengeful desires
My heart glows hot in my chest
Yet I try my best not to reveal what I feel to no avail
I seethe continuously
This doesn’t even seem like me
How can hatred be so strong
Something must be wrong
My mind knows that I need to be free
But my heart could care less
It presses me to act
To show you the consequences of your words
To make you regret your effect
I want you to feel
To know my pain is real
I wish to steal from you what you willingly took from me
How is it
Do you enjoy this new world
This world of misery and sadness
To which you relegated me
Is it pleasant
Do you like the scenary
It’s a special gift from me