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Two ppl close to my heart are going to this awful war in Afghanistan..something up until now i had never experienced..for all of you that have, my heart goes out to you..
I realise that they are very brave for doing so and if it werent for them..where would we be..
But the pain and worry felt by those left behind i can honestly say for me is definitely not fun.
I support all the troops..just not the war, to watch loved ones leaving , for some not knowing if they will ever see that person again is just an unreal feeling...hopelessness i guess you would call it..:(
Not to mention what they experience,that never leaves them..some returning total different people than the ones we farewell..sadness does not even begin to cover the feeling huh?
But to Sev and will be in my thoughts and prayers ..please stay safe..i for one would not know what to do without either of you..
Well so much for my happy I was telling you all about my when my mush had crumbled from under me and i didnt even notice..
I thought i knew him..thought he knew me and how i felt..why am i always so wrong about these things??
So yet again i stand here with my world in tatters at my feet wondering what the hell happened?
Why would i love him so much if we arent meant to be??
Answer me that please because i dont think i will ever understand.
So now it seems like i have no choice but try to move on..forget him, even tho that seems impossible at the moment,im hoping it gets easier as time goes on..not that it did all the other times,but maybe this time i will be stronger, be able to let things go like he so obviously wants me too.
I would just like to know why it seems so easy for him to forget me..but i go on only wanting after day.
Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, parts of Florida
16:32 May 29 2009
*hugs* i know how you feel, my son did a tour in afgahnastan and is going to iraq in Nov. He was a vet at the age of 20,
06:02 May 30 2009