This poem was written by a very dear friend. He read my poem titled Lonliness and was inspired to write this. I felt I needed to post it. I am also going to give him credit and I hope he doesn't mind. His name on here is WaitsForTheMoon.
I have thought to write you anonymous love letters
Fearing that my voice has grown so familiar
That you no longer hear it
Or that you only listen with one ear
Fearing that whenever I speak
There is no sound in the air
And you have come to regard me
As the worlds most useless maker
Of amazing silent
I wrote you a poem , it is yours so I will not post, You may if you like. Consider it a small band aid for a very large hurt.
.. having learnt how well he writes, this fellow already made an impression on me.
I am so proud of my brother WaitsForTheMoon, we grew up together as children brother and sister, and now we enjoy our company still. That is amazing in itself. he makes me so proud and I am glad he came to VR.
Hugs Everybody
[ mushy ]
[ yuckie,LOL ]