Our life is a beautiful song.
A song that we alone must write.
The composition starts
Long before our birth.
And ends onlywhen life's
Flame flickers and burns out.
The lines upon which
Life's notes are to be placed
Represent the paths that
We will travel down
While living life and fullfilling our destiny.
The note of life's song
Are the memories we will make
And the lessons we will learn.
Our notes alone make life's Song
A beautiful Masterpiece.
So come on a journey.
Live free, ride hard.
And watch as your beautiful
Masterpiece is written.
Life's song, Your song.
Be it happy or sad;
Upbeat or slow
Your song is special
And tranforms as you grow.
So spread your wings
And live life to its fullest.
Because our life is a beautiful song.
A song we each alone must write.
We are the composer
The beginning and the end.
Alone in the night
You and I sit.
Silently speaking
Without moving our lips.
The stories we tell
Are of times in our youth.
When love often got turned
Into nightmares that still
Torment and haunt us
And drag us through hell.
As we silently sit
And our stories we tell
We lovingly gaze into each others eyes.
And are faced with the fear
Each has hidden for years.
As silently we stare
Into each others eyes.
We find our tears flowing
And each try to stop.
Before the walls of our
Dam they do suddenly break.
So, silently again
You and I do sit.
And comfort and caress
The fragile and tender
And most loving part.
The broken and tattered
But still beating heart.
23:45 Aug 08 2010
00:47 Aug 09 2010
Very beauitfully written.
16:29 Oct 01 2010
sing it long and sing it loud