I dare not enter where I am not wanted. Everyone seems to want me far from where I am. My feelings hurt, and everyone seems not to care enough.
All I do is be kind, to give a hand. Yet everyone thinks its because I want something in return. Is people's happiness not enough to ask for, you want me to be me, but to be someone different I don't understand you anymore. I don't.
My mind is lingering off into space again, because of you. You hate me for me. When I lie you think I'm telling the truth, when I'm telling the truth I lie. When are people going to realize I am not a barbie doll, you can't dress me up the way you want, brush my hair or do my makeup so that I fit you're image. I am who I am. And nothing can ever change me.
If you don't like me, you need to go and check you're self before making comments about me. You think I'm not true to myself, because YOU lie to everyone around you. I hate to break you're bubble but I know who I am, unlike you.
I been twirling my hair in my fingers, in thought as usual. You are in my thoughts tonight. I'm glad I heard from you today.
Something about you makes me go insane, I don't know what is or what you say to make me feel that way. I do not know, but I wish I did. This emotion or feeling, I don't know.
I just want to hear you're voice, and just have you to hold me. You lips against my skin. Hand in hand. Arm in arm. I now know the feeling you give me, and it feels like a dream. Something so unreal, and unearth like.
I must admit it, I am addicted, hooked. You're a drug to me. I can't help but wonder what will if I stay long enough. Will I be able to have you like I wish, to be loved by you, and only you?
Let's just see what happens, let's see if my patience lets me remain here- by you're side.
To some I seem evil at heart.
My words can be extremely sour, bitter, and hurtful. Sometimes people just don't care. And I don't care. When I care, no one see's the good I try to do. I want someone to look at me, and say I care.
To hold my hand even when I'm angry, so that when the world falls down. I'm still hanging on to someone that stands up so tall. One day someone will read this and say I'm here. I'll be happy, and I want them to see how happy I'll be.
I'm not evil, I never was and I never will be. Just lost and misguided. With a heart that is calling for someone to save me. And I want see someone that sees me as me
You're hand holding mine
Our fingers intermingle with each other
Feelings unravel
The night becomes silent
Everything feels perfect
Sadly one day I have to let you go
Far away from everything
We shouldn't care, but we do
I do
I will always keep you in my heart
Safe inside my dreams
In my thoughts I will always have you
You said forever
And forever is something I need
I hope to keep you
Until you have to leave.
If I bleed all night long, and in the morning I woke without a spirit.
I wounder if you would care.
If you would try to save me, and try to find every fallen tear.
If you brought me back from where my soul lingered off to, would I still love you.
Remember you're name, kiss you the way I use to? Maybe, just maybe you're name would leave my mind.
And I would fly away with the birds.
If it ever happened.... I wounder if you would care.
My words are what makes you come near me. My heart is the one screaming for you. Everytime I believe I am over you. It seems to be the same thing happening over again, I'm falling for you.
The way you're hand touches me face, when we are joking around. The way you look at me with those deep blue eyes. The one's that bring me back into reality and remind me that I have lost everything.
All I wanted was someone like you. Some how I can't get over you. Everytime I think everything is going perfect, you find you're way into my head and make sure I can't forget you.
I have a little secret I keep to myself, when no one is around. When no one is looking, I take a deep breathe and go through my memorise of you and I. Pretending as if you where still here.
I don't know but I never want to forget you, but I'm living with this what "if". I don't know why this is happening. It's like no matter what I do I can't let go of you.
I hope you know what I feel is true
Who is this about?
I like this. It relates to a feeling which breathes inside me as well.
To my best friend in the whole entire world, where I be without you? 6 feet under... And somewhere burning in hell.
I can truly say that you have saved me time and time again, even if you haven't realized it. I am great full to your friend ship, it has made me stronger. Even if it seems that I am the strong one and I keep my head held high for you. You have seen me break down and you have seen the side of me that may have not.
When my life seems to fall to pieces you always are there for me. I couldn't have asked for a better friend. And if I do I must be going insane.
Sometimes I'm angry and take it on you, but you seem to realize that the sour words that fall out of my mouth aren't true. Sometimes you know me better than myself, and I can't believe how we can understand each other when we talk jibberish. It takes true friends to understand each others madness.
You have open my eyes to a door that was closed, and you helped me opened it, and I'm glad. Now I can heal, and I hope to keep our friendship for a life time so that we can see how my crazy emotional roller coaster stops.
Thank you, I couldn't ask anymore of what you have done for me. I can not say thank you enough.
I truly do love my beat friend Brooke. :)
I sit watching, watching them waste their life. Who am I to say that they are wasting their life, but I sit here writing hopeless stories about my pain. I am happy not sad anymore. I have finally realized that my pain isn't from all the guys that I been dating, it so happens that it's from the fact that my dad left. My biological father.... The one I never ment. I've always been missing something in my life, and that's what it was. His love...
Certain chapters in my life have been closed. Now I am on the road to a new chapter, you know that moment where you flip the page in suspense? That's the road. I'm willing to sacrifice it all to him, even if it hurts me. I have realized that sometimes forgiving and forgetting is easier said than done, I will never forget what my father did, but I will forgive him for once.
I will never understand why he left. Or why I have never met him, but I do know one thing that even if I'm in pain I can always remember that the pain is what got me here. Made me the person I am. Beautiful on the inside and out.
My best friend Brooke and Mr.Hill made me see that not everything in life can be sweet. That I shouldn't always flirt with people to get my why, but I should listen to my heart. And this is for those people who feel like I:
When you feel like there is no return, look inside of you and see that there is more than just the lies that people hand over.
That there should be someone else in the world that understands you.
That even if no one loves you, I will. My heart is open to all who feel that there is nothing left.
Message me and I will be there for you. I promise.