FallenDreams's Journal

FallenDreams's Journal


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02:42 Jun 09 2006
Times Read: 698

She looked to the sky, as she often times did. There was nothing to see. No beauty. No life. Just never-ending blackness. Her heart was all too familiar with that same soul-encompassing darkness. It was a horrible thing. Yet she was more than used to it. It was her life. It was who she was. At least it was who she had become. She knew that people no longer saw her. They sensed that she was there and that there was something wrong with her, but no one had the gall enough to attempt to understand or change her. It wouldn’t matter if they did, she was who she was and nothing would ever change that. She recalled a time when she felt things. Things like happiness, mystery, joy, and longing. Now she felt nothing more than a cold hateful desire for revenge. She did at times wonder why it was that she had become this way, but in her heart she knew the reason all too well. She left her mind to its ceaseless thoughts and walked to the local coffee shop. It was her place of content. They kept the rooms dark and full of music. There she didn’t have to worry about being seen, about people asking her what is wrong with you, or giving her those odd stares that they normally gave. She was a ghost there, and she loved it. She had once befriended the owner of the coffee shop, but after so many years of her being away she knew that he did not recognize her anymore. He simply thought she was a regular customer who said nothing more than what it was that she wanted. She remembered her last conversation with James. He had been ranting about how his was going to buy this old abandoned building and make a coffee shop out of it. At the time she had laughed at him, but agreed to help him in any way that she could. Then things had gone wrong. She had left that town for seven years. She thought that she hadn’t really changed all that much, but obviously she was wrong. She pushed the glass door open and sat at her usual table. James slid quietly over and courteously asked if she was having the usual. She simply nodded and sat back to watch the crowd. Everything was the same as always, although she was beginning to notice a higher trend in the amount of teens that frequented James’ shop. No matter she would come here anyway. A waitress brought her drink to her and sat it upon the table, then hesitated. This aggravated her. She hated people just hanging around her.

“Can I help you?” She asked coldly.

“It’s just that….” The girl trailed off.

“What? Spit it out. Or have you forgotten how to speak?” This girl was really irritating her.

“That man over there, he wanted me to give you something.” She looked around to see who it was this ditz was speaking of. At first glance she saw no one. But then a shadow caught her eye. She could understand the young girl’s fear. Then again that girl had probably not been able to watch a PG13 horror movie. To her own eye the shadowy figure was nothing more than that. Yet she was curious as to what he was attempting to give her.

“So where is it?” She asked turning back to the waitress.

“What?….Oh…um here.” The girl ran to a side counter and came back with a bottle in her hands. It looked like wine, but there were no apparent labels. ‘Figures’ she thought to herself. The waitress quickly disappeared back into the crowd. In her hands she turned the bottle over and around, holding it up to the light. This was no wine. She sat the bottle down upon the table. From her pocket she took a pen and wrote a quick note upon a napkin, then slid the note under the bottle and left the coffee-house. Around the corner she watched through a window as a man emerged from the shadows. He picked up the bottle and read her note. ‘If you wish to give me something, be man enough to do it yourself. But expect nothing from me in return.’ She could see the obvious grin on his face. Was that what he had wanted her to do all along? Aggravated she walked on not knowing where it was that she was heading. The night was still as empty as it had been and her usual contempt had been disrupted by this new stranger. Thoughts went on and on in her head, having no true forms or meanings. She shook herself from her internal arguments to inspect an old abandoned house. She slipped through the chain link gate and thought to herself that people should really learn to lock houses up, especially when they didn’t want any intruders. She first did a walk around the old place, observing possible entry points and such. However, out of sheer curiosity and amusement, she walked up to the front door and tried to open it. Unlocked. Some people were complete morons. She crept in expecting that anything could happen, although she highly doubted it. It was a large house and really quite ominous. She liked it already. On the walls hung photos of a family long gone. Everything was coated in years of dust. Everything but a path on the floor. How many people had been in here before her? Or was it simply from some hobo that called this his home? Either way didn’t make a bit of difference to her. She walked further into the house, turning around this corner, and opening that door. After a while she couldn’t really tell where she was. It was as though the farther she went, the darker it got. That didn’t matter to her all that much, she could see enough. She found an old high-backed chair and plopped down into it.

“A castle fit for any Queen don’t you think?” She sat up instantly, wondering where and from who the voice had come from.

“Not really.” She answered sarcastically not showing her instant caution.

“Oh well I suppose I was wrong about you. You seemed to enjoy looking the place over.”

“What’s it matter to you what I like?” She could tell that the voice sounded young, but not younger than her, and of course it was easy to tell that the faceless voice was a male.

“What’s it matter to you why I wonder what you like?” He asked with a hint of laughter in his voice. She could tell that he was having too much fun with this. She rose from the chair ready to leave the house. However she was stopped. Standing right before her was a young man. He was grinning as though he had done something sly, and to be honest he had caught her off-guard. Which was something that rarely ever happened. He pointed back at the chair hinting that she should sit. Against every moral will in her body she sat. From behind his back he pulled out the bottle that she had left sitting on the table in James’ shop.

“I wanted you to have this.” He was still smiling and offering her this bottle.

“And if I should refuse?” She asked him calmly.

“Well now, why would you do that? I am being a perfect gentleman.” He knelt down to his knees and smiled up at her. Who the hell was he?

“Because I damn well can.” She declared and turned away from him.

“I see. Perhaps you will take this instead?” Christ she hated her curiosity. One of these days it was going to get her killed. She tried not to look for as long as she could, but that didn’t last for longer than five minutes. She slowly turned to face him. The bottle was gone, but dangling from his hand was a sapphire amulet hung upon a silver chain. It caught the light so well. It was gorgeous. Her instincts screamed at her to refuse the gift, but her mouth left out an awed sigh.

“I thought you might like this.” He took her hand and laid it across her palm. “Enjoy it Rena, and wear it well my dear.” Then he was gone. She looked around feeling completely stupid for having fell for his games. She didn’t know what it was that he was trying to do, but she knew there was some secret plot laying in that devious mind. She took her time going home that night. She watched every angle, every shadow, and every single person. She didn’t want to lead this mysterious person right to her home where she could be found at her most vulnerable times. All through the rest of that night she had trouble doing anything but wondering and thinking. How did he know her name? How did he get into the same old house as her without her noticing? And where had that bottle gone? Things just did not add up in her mind. It was a puzzle with pieces that just did not fit together. Around eleven o’clock the next afternoon she finally fell asleep. Although she was not without her worries. She locked every window, door, and any other possible way into her house. She wasn’t going to take the chance of being found defenseless. What she did not know was that he was already there, watching her in the shadows.

He listened ceaselessly to her thoughts. How untrusting she was. It was no wonder why she was so hard to get through to. It was going to be hard to get her to trust him. But he would try no less, he had to. There was just something about her. She looked so unearthly when she slept. It was as though she was an angel that had been in the darkness for far too long. The look suited her perfectly. He thought for awhile about what he should do to try and intrigue her. He had to find a way to make her come to him. It didn’t take long for him to find a solution.

The next night Rena awoke. She cursed herself for having slept through that day, but it wasn’t like there was anything that she could do about it now. Instantly she remembered that shadowy figure. Her mysterious guy. Where had he come from? She dismissed it from her mind as best she could, although the thought was never completely gone. She showered and dressed. She was ready for her normal nightly schedule. But then something caught her eye. It was something that had not been in her house before. It was a silver box laying upon an end table near her bed. It was engraved with something that looked relatively close to old runes, but she couldn’t be sure. She didn’t have to touch it or open it to know that it was from him. She could sense his lingering aura on it. Rena almost left it. She tried to ignore it knowing that it was a lure, some type of bait. But how could she resist? Tenderly she reached over and picked up the box. It was fairly heavy for its size, which convinced her that this wasn’t some dime-store jewelry box. It was something more. Cautiously she opened the box as slowly as possible. The box was lined with soft black felt, and at the bottom of it was a piece of paper and a very small dagger. Out of paranoia she left the dagger where it lay. For all she knew the blade was laced with some kind of poison. Instead she grabbed the paper and unfolded it. Of course it was a letter from him. She had to admit that he was persistent.

I know that you liked the amulet that I gave to you. But why do you refuse to wear it? I wish to talk to you, yet you run away. I wonder, why it is that you trust no one? But I must ask you this my dear, if you truly confide trust in no one, why then did you open my box and read this letter? And why do you not wonder yet how I got it into your bedroom? If you feel that you can trust me long enough to simply talk, then find me. I know that you are quite capable of doing so.


It was obvious that this stranger knew far too much about her. He was right. She really did not trust anyone, and yet like a fool she had opened this box and not even questioned how it came to be there. What a fool she was. This was the second time that she had fallen for his conniving tricks. She placed the box back onto the table and sat back into a chair. What was she going to do? If she did not meet this guy Sephiroth what were the consequences going to be? It wasn’t like he had demanded her to be there, however he had found her and had gotten into her house. What would stop him from doing more? Then again what was the worst he could do? Kill her? What would it matter if he did kill her, it wasn’t like she was going to live forever anyway? So she resolved to find him. All she had to do was catch a whiff of his aura and he would be easy to find. She set out heading nowhere in particular. She found that the harder she thought about something the less successful she was in her endeavor. Tonight she avoided her regular stops, she knew that if had truly wanted her to find him, he would not go to those places. Instead he would make it a slight challenge for her. After some time of wandering nowhere she became quite bored and lost interest in her search. She had in fact even forgot her original intention in finding him anyway. It wasn’t long before something else caught her attention. There were bright lights, loud happy sounding music, and occasional screams of enjoyed fear. It was a carnival. She had always been a sucker for amusement parks and carnivals, although she would never be able to understand why. Slowly she meandered her way over to the ticket booth. She was impressed by the roller coaster that was here tonight. It was quite large for a simple carnival. She bought some tickets and headed over to the massive ride. Amazingly there were no people in line. How strange was her thought. In fact, when she glanced around there couldn’t have been more than seven people in the entire park. It was really odd. She handed the carnie her ticket and sat in the metal seat. She sat there for quite some time waiting for the ride to begin. Three other people had boarded, but they all looked quite dull. She looked out to her left away from the ride and out to the many booths scattered along the edge of the park. Then she felt his aura stronger than ever before.

“I see that you found me.” From out of nowhere he was sitting right next to her grinning insanely. How the hell did he keep pulling these tricks off?? She had almost jumped out of the seat. However the metal restraint bar had closed just in time. He still looked right at her as the ride took off.

“I did not find you, rather you found me…again.” She watched his eyes as the sky and the lights of the carnival began to blur by.

“Ah maybe I did, maybe I did not.” How was it that she could hear him so clearly over everything around her. It was almost as if they were standing face to face in the middle of nowhere. He grinned a very sly grin. For some reason she felt like he knew exactly what she had just thought.

“What do you want to talk about?” She asked him calmly although there was a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

“I see no point in keeping my charade up if you are not pleased by it.” He frowned and she became completely confused. What the hell was he talking about? Suddenly the lights of the carnival vanished, all the sounds were gone, and she was now falling to the ground from where the roller-coaster had previously been. All of it was gone, it was just him and her falling. Her mind had no idea how to process it all. She closed her eyes and hoped for the best. Suddenly the sensation of falling had stopped. Did she die already? Instantly she knew that she hadn’t, she could feel his arms around her. She liked the feeling of him holding her a lot more than she ever thought she would. Still she kept her eyes closed. “I see now that you are capable of trusting me.” He whispered this into her ear, and she felt the ground beneath her feet. She opened her eyes and pushed away from him. Who was he to say that she trusted him. It was either go with the flow or die. Or was it?

“What just happened to me? What happened to the carnival?” She questioned him furiously. His faint smile faded and was replaced by the slightest frown.

“Perhaps I was wrong about you. Do you think that you can handle talking to me, without running off or thinking the worst possible thing?” What the hell did he mean? Either way she decided that she would give him a chance and try to keep her remarks to herself.

“For now I suppose so.” He walked up close to her.

“Look around you Rena.” She did as she was asked. They were in fact in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and moonlight only. “Now tell me that you did not find me.” He looked quite sincerely at her.

“But I..” Instantly he cut her off by placing a finger across her lips.

“ I can create illusions, but only certain people can see them, the people who want to see them.” He removed his finger and let her think for a moment.

“So that entire park, the roller coaster was a simple illusion?” He nodded at her. God his eyes were entrancing, such a resilient blue. Damn! She mentally slapped herself. Was she falling for this Sephiroth?Would it really be so bad if she was falling for him?

“I thought that perhaps the carnival would have made you relax a bit, but I see now that that would not happen.” She looked at him sincerely.

“I’m sorry that I came off that way.” Wait, did she say that out loud to him? Damn, was her always secure defense system finally failing her? At this point it seemed that they were. He looked sideways at her and then smiled again.

“Is there anywhere in particular that you would like to go so that we may talk?” She thought on this for a moment, it would be better to be somewhere familiar, but she decided against it.

“No. Go where you wish and I will follow you…For now anyway.” He nodded his understanding and began to walk towards the trees. She followed wondering where in the world he was taking her. Of course she had to admit, it was getting hard to not trust him. There was something about those eyes, and when he had caught her. There was also something else about him, he wasn’t natural, he was something more. She had caught in his aura a very distinct trait, but could it really be possible, were there still creatures of his kind lingering in this town? She doubted it and thought on it no more.

“Do you mind me calling you by your name?” He asked as they entered the line of trees. Most of the moonlight was now blocked out by the massive canopy above them. It took her eyes a few seconds to re-adjust to the darker environment.

“Although I wonder how you know my name, I don’t care. But what do you want me to call you?” Rena watched his silhouette move against the trees ahead, he seemed so ghostly.

“Call me Sephiroth, like it said in your letter.” They continued to walk on in silence. She had too much to consider, and she was always making sure that he was ahead of her. She might trust him a little, but she did not trust him that much yet. “I think you might like where we are going, but then again you may not.” Instantly her curiosity was piqued. As they traversed farther and farther into the woods she began to notice odd things about her Sephiroth. One thing was that he made no sound when he stepped onto limb or leaves whereas she sounded like an ox roaming the woods. Something else was that she could never see his shadow. She glanced out towards a patch of moonlight ahead of them and watched as he walked through it. No shadow to follow him, it was like he himself was his own shadow. She walked through the light and paused to look behind her, there was of course her old shadow. Once again her mind drifted off to that miniscule possibility that he could be one of the extinct. But if he was one of their kind how had he survived? Her thoughts were interrupted by Sephiroth’s voice; oh she could listen to that voice all day. She shook her head from that thought. What was she doing? For all she knew this guy could kill her.

“We’re here my dear. I do hope that you like it.” She looked before her and at first saw nothing. But then lines and details became visible. What was this place? It was some ancient building. It seemed like it had been here since the dawn of time. Lost in her amazement she walked closer to look at this new place more visibly. The walls were made of ancient limestone bricks, many of them laced with years of cracks and crevices in which some insect or another found abode. The roof was high but flat and above the stone door were carved words. They were inscribed in some language that she could not recognize.

“What is this place?” She turned to ask. Yet he was no longer standing behind her as she thought he was. Instead he was standing before her in the doorway of the building. How had he got there so fast? How had he opened that stone door without her hearing it? Was she simply slipping?

“This is my home. I never have to deal with anything other than the occasional stray wolf, and honestly I almost prefer them to come. They are wonderful creatures.” He looked off into the sky smiling. He looked like he was lost in the most perfect dream. “Would you agree to come in and talk for a bit? I promise not to keep you long, I know you are already suspicious of me.” He looked back down at her. For an instant she could have sworn that his eyes had flashed like lightning across the sky.

“Yes I will come in for now.” As he turned and led her in she took one last look out towards the sky. The once bright moon was now buried in gray ominous clouds. Was this some type of Omen? She then followed him in. In essence the place was more like a mausoleum than anything else, yet it had some type of deep attraction to her, some type of unidentifiable quality. On the walls hung many types of swords, knives, and daggers as well as many other odd and end weapons. There were no photos. It did take awhile for her eyes to adjust to this new darkness for the only light was a weak torch that he had picked up somewhere along the way. Finally they came to a room in which their were two old chairs and a bed. It was funny how much bigger inside this building was compared to how it looked outside, but then again many places were like that. She sat in one of the chairs and watched as he mounted the torch to the wall. He then moved the other chair to face her and sat as well.

“There are many things that I want to tell you, but I am not sure where I should begin therefore I wish for you to ask me anything that may come to your mind.” He was straightforward with her and she knew that that might not be the very best thing. She thought for a moment what to ask him, but she already knew.

“There used to be…creatures in the town that you found me in. Immortal creatures, beings of the night. Are you by chance one of those creatures?” He began to laugh. Had she been wrong about him? He leaned over and put his elbows on his knees, interlocking his fingers, and stared down at the floor.

“If you are asking me if I am a vampire or not, I will be honest with you and confess that I am in fact a vampire. I simply managed to miss the execution of all the others. I was away elsewhere and had no knowledge of this occurrence. Although I cannot figure out why it is that I did not know of it. But then again Rena you knew that I was a vampire. You once knew other vampires, and in fact socialized with them as though they were your family. How else do you think that you can sense auras?” She knew that he was right. Yet for so many years she had told herself that all of that was just a dream. It was nothing more than a fantastical idea she had dreamt up and tried to live. It was in fact true and she knew it. It was simply to painful to remember. All these years she had been trying to escape her past and now here it was staring at her. Granted it was not any of the same old faces, but the creature was no doubt the same.

“Then why did you follow me? Why have you been luring me out? What is there that you must tell me that I do not know?” She rattled off a list of questions and he smiled.

“I followed you because I must speak to you and I have been luring you out because you are so damn untrusting of anyone or anything. What I must tell you pains me because I fear that it will be the thing that will permanently drive you away.” He sighed after saying this and for some reason she felt quite sad for him. She was half tempted to raise from her chair and go to hold him in her arms and tell him that everything was alright. But she kept herself where she was. “As you may have guessed by now I have followed you for many years, and I have known you long before you ever knew of my kind. I was appointed by your ancient grandfather to watch over you.” He paused here for he knew that her mind must have been racing. How could he know of him? Her ancient grandfather had been born in the fifteen-hundreds and her mother had spoke of him often. In fact he too had become a vampire, or at least that was what the legends said. But if Sephiroth had known him, then he was in fact over four-hundred years old. She looked back at him to indicate that he should go on. “So I have watched you as asked. I must admit that there was this one problem that I had with watching you and being immortal. I always knew that your life would come to an end one day and then I would have nothing. For that thought alone I have become terribly lonely and greatly depressed. It saddens me to know that you have chosen this mediocre mortal life.” He had done it again. He knew something that she had told absolutely no one about. It had been many years ago when a vampire by the name of Eli had offered her immortality. She had blatantly refused him, she was not ready to accept the idea of being stuck on this planet for eternity watching all of those close to her die away. But that had been before the Vampire executions, when they had killed her family for being associated with the dark breed. If she were asked again she might have a different answer, she wanted vengeance.

“How did you know of that, and of my grandfather?” She asked him calmly. She was sure his answer was going to be something along the lines of I am a vampire, I know of everything, but what he said surprised her.

“You dream of these things often. I hear your mind going back to those days and reliving everything. You think that everything is your fault. You miss them all.” He looked towards the floor. “ I am sorry to have invaded your thoughts like that, but I wanted to know why you were so distant now days, why you feared and hated everything anymore. You should know that you had nothing to do with what happened.” She was now irritated, not really because he had read her mind, but because he was right. No one was supposed to know that much about her.

“Is that what you wanted to talk about? You wanted to let me know that you felt pity for me or something?” He looked painfully at her.

“No, it is not. I brought you here to let you know that I am tired of simply watching you. I want to know you, to be with you and understand. I am the only one of my kind left and you are the only person that I feel I could trust to understand what I think and feel. Ultimately I am making this your decision. You can willingly be a companion to me, or if you wish I will vanish and never bother you again. However understand that if you do not want to be with me that I will continue to watch over you, that was a promise I made long before your time and I fully intend to keep it.” He sat back into his chair and looked away behind her at nothing. What was he asking of her? To be his friend? Or to be his love? She didn’t know what to say or think. She sighed heavily and stood.

“What are you saying exactly Sephiroth? Do you want me to be a friend to you or something more?” She looked straight down at his face. The expression he had was gorgeous, it was like complete serenity, he smiled gently up at her and she felt for a fraction of an instant that she would have agreed to anything he asked her.

“I want you to decide what you wish to be with me, but yes I would like you to be more than a friend to me.” He laughed slightly and stood as well. “I will leave you for tonight so that you may think this over and consider your current life as it is. Then I will find you tomorrow night to ask your answer.” He took her hand and kissed it gently. “I trust that you can find your way out of this place.” With that he was gone, her eyes had not been fast enough to catch this move of his, but she knew what it was that he had done.



03:27 Feb 22 2011

Wow I really like It.It was very good and Intense.You need to add more to It.eg

03:30 Feb 22 2011

I might eventually. :P Thanks for commenting.

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