Fallen696's Journal


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00:23 Dec 29 2007
Times Read: 584

Rain wanders through the land, aimlessly wandering to those who know not her path. But she has a secret, known by no other living mortal. And because of it, she is under constant attack.

As she travel’s, Rain sees things people dream to see, enters ruins undisturbed for centuries and has even left her foot print in lands never before walked. But none of it mattered. All she cares about is staying one step ahead of her trackers and one step closer to her goal.

Unfortunately, her goal is always just out of reach while the hunters grow constantly closer, relentless in there hunt. Where ever Rain lingerers to long, death rampages and flails the flesh from civilisation.

‘FRESH FISH!’ the sound of fishermen selling their latest catches filled the air, followed strongly by the smell of the catch.

The sun was creeping high into the sky, bringing dazzling light to the early day. The small port was bursting with life as families ran on and off ferry boats, fishermen unloaded their catch and speeding out again for more. A small number of traders where selling spices and jewellery right out of their boats. The sunny little port was bursting with life and energy.

One person stood out. Slowly as they left the small ferry heads began to turn. There in the middle of a port of colour and happiness, stood a short girl in a long brown leather coat, long, jet black, silky hair and a pail face with beautiful brown eyes. Something about the girl seemed dark and evil. The port stood still. Everyone staring at the girl. The girl, staring back.

A loud crash startled the crowd. One of the workers had dropped a crate of fish, sending the contents flying across the port. The crowd slowly got back to what they where doing and soon they completely forgot about the girl. The sound of chatter and trade returned along with the voice of the workers boss, ranting at him for costing him precious stock.

The girl sighed to her self. Every town had the exactly same reaction. This was the first time they had seen anyone like her. What she wanted wasn’t here.

As she walked down the peer, her heavy boots clomping with each step, she checked through her bag for funds.

‘Humm…. 3 gold pieces, 12 sliver and a hand full of copper…’ she muttered quietly to her self, thumbing through the coins. ‘And that bit of bread won’t do anymore.’ She popped the last hand full of bread into her mouth as she looked for the closest Inn.

Her search took her off the port and into the town. Small, well built, wooden houses built in neat little rows lined the streets. The streets where no more than well kept dirt roads. The girl kept her surprise to her self. Any other town this size she had visited was always in a bad way, broken windows, collapsing roofs, and slop for a street. The people though poor obviously took great pride in their home.

After several minuets she came across an Inn

‘The Fisherman’s Friend, should have guessed’

Inside was as welcoming as the outside. A small fire set into one wall, several dark wood tables and chairs dotted around and a small bar with stools occupied one wall. A large man with a white beard stood behind the bar. As she approached, the girl noticed he was staring into space.

‘The people of this town are so laid back…’ she thought as she reached the bar and waited for the man to notice her. It took several minuets, by witch time she had already counted the number of tables, chairs, stools, glasses and bottles on the wall.

‘Oh…how may I…..’The man trailed off as he took a proper look at the girl. Sighing she drummed her fingers and waited for him to finish.’…help….you……?’ he finished.

‘Yes, I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about this town, I’m new here you see.’ She said to him as sweetly as she could without puking back up the bread. She hated acting all sweet and innocent but it helped relaxes some people after the shock of seeing her. She new full well what people thought of her. She had the scars to prove that. It was an unfortunate fact that most people judged her before she even opened her mouth.

‘Sure.’ The man seemed a bit more relaxed now but he still had to think for a moment. ‘…Ah yes, this is The Fisherman’s Friend most popular Inn in the town! Towns’ called Farwex if you didn’t already know most people make their living from the river, but a few do other work, mostly labour like but there’s one or two in the town who have other skills they use.’ He paused for breath. He seemed very eager to get it all out at once. He either really loved this town or her wanted to get rid of her as quickly as possible. Either way the effort had made his face very red.

The girl hid a laugh as she stood patiently for him to catch his breath.

‘My names Eric by they way, owner of this Inn.’ He seemed very proud of that fact but not boastful, she respected that. It couldn’t hurt to tell him her name, he did seem trustworthy.

‘Names Rain, from the other side of Mt. Carric.’ It was the first time in longer that she could remember she had told anyone her name. She usually didn’t get time.

‘Pleasure to be of service Miss Rain. It’s a very long way from Mt. Carric, what brings you this far south if you don’t mind my asking.’

She paused for a moment, she hoped he wouldn’t ask and she prayed he wouldn’t ask more.’ I’ve always wanted to see the world,’ she lied ‘and I found my self in possession of some money one day and my mind was set.’ She smiled at him, she had told that lie so many times she almost believed it her self.

‘Must have been a fair amount of money if you’ve travelled this far and still have money to get back.’ Eric seemed a little surprised to find the girl had such an amount of money. Rain however grit her teeth, she didn’t have enough money to get her to the next town let alone home. She had already run out of money several times, she would need to find a way of making more again but who in this town could have use for her skills?

‘You mentioned that there where one or two people in this town that have special skills, what sort of skills?’ a spark went off in the back of her head. Maybe…just maybe.

‘Oh yes so I did.’ Eric scratched his head for a moment. ‘That would be the blacksmith Ora and the alchemist Babalay. Oras a nice guy though a bit on the grumpy side, likes he’s cider. But Babalay… she’s a strange one. No one really goes to her unless it’s an emergency.’ Eric looked a little uncomfortable talking about Babalay as though he expected lightning to strike him for saying her name.

Rain thought for a moment. She couldn’t think out right what either of them could do with her skills but it was worth a shot on the off chance she might be of use. She hated grumpy people though and alchemists always have a funny smell about them that felt like acidic metal on the back of her throat, but beggars can’t be choosers.

Slowly Rain marched up the hill. Having thanked Eric for his time, she had headed to the blacksmiths. Finding much to her annoyance that he wasn’t anywhere to be found and according to his apprentice, hadn’t been seen all morning. So, after a quick stop at a food stall to purchase some rations for the day, a mix of tough bread, cheese and dried meat strips, headed in the direction Eric had said Babalay worked.

Alchemy was not something Rain like to get involved with save for the occasional healing vial and antidote ‘supplied’ by what ever temple dealt with healing closest by. The smell of even the quickest brewed potions stuck in her nose and throat for days killing her appetite and bringing occasional tear to her eyes, much to her annoyance.

She knew that studying would help her in the more remote locations of her travel. She had come close to the end of her journey early in the foot hills of Agranty.

A servant of her trackers who had managed to locate her attacked, with poisoned arrows. Loosing the soulless retch had been easy in the woods and rock formations, but soon the poison had seeped through here veins and quickly began its work clawing away at her body and mind.

She only happened across a travelling merchant in time, collapsing off a ledge onto a road much to the passing mans surprise. Thankfully he had some herbs that helped slow the poison till they arrived at Porcarus.

There healers tended to her better, using a mix of potions, prayer and divine magic to nullify the hell born poison and repair the damage. But even for the best efforts of the priests, the poison had eaten at her body and mind. The priests never expected her to feed her self again, let alone sneak away in the night with several supplies and the day’s collection money! Once the divine magic had cleared out of her body, she was able to begin healing the remainder of the damage, though slowed by the potions given to her by the priests, meant to ease her pain.

She had regretted having to take the money but she needed a way to put as much distance between her and the town as quickly as possible. The blood sucking leech that attacked her would no doughtily reported back to what ever master it served and Porcarus was no longer safe.

Some weeks later, while resting in an Inn, she over hared some merchants saying no word had been hared from Porcarus for some time and anyone travelling in that direction was yet to return. Rain wept silently into her glass before heading out once more into the night, new fire burning like an inferno behind her eyes, urging her towards her goal. More souls had been added to those she must avenge.

It couldn’t be helped. Alchemy was something Rain was unable to deal with. She would have to pray the stars kept a close watch on her... and those unfortunate enough to be in her company to long.



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