Lady Isis
Mistress of Magic
Whose arts elevated You
To the Queen of the Gods
Help us to see the wonder
and magic
Surrounding us in this life.
Lady Isis
Loving wife of Osiris
Whose devotion transcended
Death itself
Help us to love others as
Well as ourselves
Without reservation.
Lady Isis
Mother of Horus
Whose wings protected her son
As an infant
And supported him as a man.
Help us to nuture our children
But know when to let them fly.
Lady Isis
Sister of Set
Whose anger and grief
Shook the world
Help us to know when to mourn
And when to fight
For those we hold dear.
Lady Isis
Goddess of a Thousand Names
Called upon in many tongues
In many cultures
Help us to recognize and
nurture the many facets
of ourselves.
Let it be...
"A Prayer to Isis" by Falkyr
©2001-5 May not be copied without permission
Since I've managed to catch the sinus infection going around, I've been using aromatherapy to try and ease the stuffy sinus feeling. This recipe has worked the best of all of them and is great for helping you breathe easier.
It can be used in the bath (though if you have dry skin, go easy on the tea tree oil since it's drying to the skin), added to a humidifier or a facial steamer, or just mixed into a bowl or pot of hot (not boiling, but steaming) water and inhaled.
2 parts tea tree oil
2 parts eucalyptus oil
2 parts peppermint oil
1 part lemon oil (if you're using this mix in the bath, substitute a splash of lemon juice. Lemon oil is irritating to the skin.)
1 part lavendar oil
If you're using this in the bath, you can also add a cup or two of epsom salts.
Tea tree oil has been well-known as a great antibacterial and antiviral essence. It also has a very pungent, sharp smell which, even alone, is great for clearing the sinuses. When used in the bath, it gives your skin an unusual tingling feeling as it penetrates your pores.
Eucalyptus is the most popular ingredient in any remedy for stuffy sinuses. It also has a characteristic sharp scent that accomplishes this most effectively.
Peppermint has a sweet, stimulating and cleansing scent that helps take some of the sharpness of the tea tree and eucalyptus oils away.
Lemon is also a very clean, purifying scent that has been long used for healing purposes.
Lavendar is a very relaxing scent and also helps tame some of the pungency of the other oils.