The backlash at "Ascot"
While we, the ant's, work out asses off trying to pay for bricks and morter, put food in our belly's and keep ourself's warm, The rich are dropping thousand's of pounds on a single horse - All while were slaving away in shit jobs.
Whats worse is they actually tellivise it, the fuck is up with that?
Yeah, you can switch on your tv and look at some upper class slag show off her OTT expensive hat (Which bear's a resembalence to a house mouse that's been run over by a bently and stuffed) while she sip's alcohol which would take you a whole month's wages to buy.
The backlash is simply this, In a time when Economy's around the world are about to plummit, those far better off stay grounded in there own little world's, refusing to even look our way.
Why do we stand for this?
Fucking inbreds.
Today is just like yesterday, only more meaningless.
I'm giving out the cold shoulder to friend's because..i'm a lonely bitch...who enjoy's being miserable. Not that i know any better.
Its a little cliché to be sitting here listening to the low murmur of the laptop while i read "lover enshrined" by my favourite author, but whats a girl to do? If you cant sleep anymore then you have to stay awake until your tired again, and during that period of time, you have to keep your mind occupied. And my mind is relentlessly making me relive my failure's, with the people around me and myself.
Ahh, i am a sorry case. Though i am one who has tried numerous times to correct my attitude's but always done so far to late after the damage has been done. If i wasn’t me, i'd dislike me as a person - probably with a passion. I'm aggressive, arrogant, man-like, constantly on the defence. Even the slight lines of humour that get me through a rough day are turning stale.
So still i take refuge in my imagination which display's the exact opposite of this reality. Its almost five o'clock, few more hour's and i can go back to sleep.
My dream's aren’t perfect, at least there i feel noticed. At least there my eye's dont hurt.
A bonus is that there's no internet, which mean's i cant talk shit.
What a life.
What a fucking journal.
So i'm just sat up at 5AM after about 3 hours sleep (Feels like 12) after a night drinking - which was ok.
Now i only hope theres not a backlash of "And she looks like this when she's drunk"
It kinda ruins the point of going out. You know, you go out to drink, get wasted and generally have a good time, finding out people have had a bitch about it is just discouraging.
No panic attack this time, Though i was kinda pissed that when i'd walked through my front door meh dad had waited up for me (Typical)
and i dont know why i get this with alcohol at times - It keeps me awake.
I'd love to be able to fall back asleep, but i cant
Now, when's the nearest shop gonna open. >.>
Current Forum Threads are RIDICULOUS!
So much so, i HAVE to slam them because i guess alot of people just...Dont have the guts.
It annoys me when people post mindless fucked up crap, on issue's like "Feeding" And it annoys me more when people reply to these thread's like "Well, i myself feed from friends...."
I look at those reply's and think "Your more fucked up then the poster"
You know what i just fed on? A fucking takeaway and no, i didnt have a side order of blood!
In addition we have the "Psi-Vampire's" These idiots claim to thrive on people's energy. Let me put this simply for you:
You either have a natural set of fang's, you drink people's blood and you dont fucking age - Then your a vampire. If you dont, your a human, Possibly a very disturbed one.
Live on other people's energy, What a ridiculous theory.
Moving on to a thread i just slammed publicly, Its entitled: "Initiation Into Witchcraft"
Now, from what ive just gone and put in there i guess a dom's gonna msg me and give me a warning, Though to be honest, that unlucky dom that msg's me should be throwing me a party. By letting such thread's exist your encouraging people to post crap.
My exact response to that thread was:
Simply put, This thread is bollocks.
Why is it that there has to be an "Initiation" into witchcraft? If it did exist, why couldn’t it be given to everyone without your poxy flipping group's trying to stake a claim on people.
If you abide by such things it only proves your need to feel belonging in something. So belong someplace else, Quit trying to restrict free thinking and free use of whatever might exist.
These forums are filled with the delusional. The only things that’s actually fucking dead in these people are there brain's. Eroded by crap, not-very-well-thought-out vampire films.
Did anyone see interview with a vampire? I was tempted to turn it off. Fucking bollocks. In ALL of these vampire film's, there unhappy!
Your fucking immortal for god's sake! Go to McDonalds and celebrate! Get yourself a happy meal and turn that frown upside down!
What is with these writer's, do you have to be terribly unhappy to live forever? Is that the fucking catch?
This genre of fiction is getting much more popular but its not thanks to the fanatic's that run around with tampered photograph’s claiming they exist. Its thanks to the people that are giving a vampire its soul back and making sure people know its only a story.
Back to the forum's, You should be ashamed of what you post. If we didnt have to play nice and ass kiss, i'd be on there more often slamming people for such idiocy!
Well, you could create a thread yourself..... If you've got "the guts!"
Indeed, i could create a thread commenting on how stupid people put themselfs across but i am to experienced to know what would happen.
Faster then you can piss, A dominar would shut it down with a reply telling me to "Take it to the journal"
And, for anyone who can piss faster then a dominar can shut down a thread, there reply would go something along the lines of "Read the VR manual"
Doesnt take much to know the people on here >.<
Well, if you dislike this site that much or think so little of it, there is an alternative! And, you've obviously been around long enough to know what that is!
I totally hear you about trying to ban xmas - I'm in Bradford myself and I know the problems we've been having - but I have to wonder; if you're so dead set against vampires and energy feeders, why the hell are you on a site focused primarily on them? Surely, it's the same as an atheist going onto a christian forum with the express purpose of stirring up trouble? There are other sites on the internet where you can talk to others who's lifestyles you don't have to slam. Or maybe that is your entire purpose for being here...
For me, this site is centerd about vampire legend. And thats what i like. LEGEND. not kid's watering down and ruining the legend.
Like it or not, there are modern-day vampires. If Cancer didn't want them all on here, he wouldn't have made this a profile site. Quit slamming the majority of VR and respect those who make this site what it is, or leave it.
I'm very sure that modern day vampire's dont browse the internet at high noon and inform people that they drink blood but can offer no proof because of personal reasons.
I think you should respect the fact that 3 quarters of VR are posers and the rest are people that are just here because they like vampire fiction.
I wont be leaving this site because of the annoying children that NEED to feel like they belong. I am apart of this site as much as you, and everybody else is. So this journal is my opinion. You dont like it? Leave?
I'm not getting drawn into an argument with you. If you don't want comments on your journals, make them private.
All I'm saying is that joining a vampire site and then slamming down those who are part of it is stupid. As is your generalisation that most of us are 'posers' and such. Granted, there are some wannabes and posers on here, but there are on most sites. Don't tar everyone with the same brush.
You cannot possibly know a person's reasons for feeding on either blood or energy, so don't lump everyone together.
Thats all. Have a nice day.
Here are the reasons why people are so unhappy in our fast, 24/7 life's.
The benefits of living in the 21st century might seem to be an endless list, but really now, Are you that happy to be living in these times?
Of course, being able to get a McDonalds at 3am while your pissed from drinking on a Saturday night is a great thing. Car's are a benefit, as well as planes and other methods of fast transport.
Alot of tv to choose from at whatever time of day and simply all the other convenient thing's we just...expect to be there. But is it really all that great?
I'm writing this because its a really nice day. Its warm and sunny for a change and...People cant enjoy it. Instead there stuck in office's, working a shit job trying to pay off there mortgage, cloth there kid's, gain materialistic thing's. Kid's sat in school's having education drilled into them. going through a system thats preparing them to be just like there parents - Over worked and underpaid with no satisfaction in the end.
You know how great it feels to get your wage at the end of the month? Now do you recall how shit it feel's to be spent up by the end of it, few days before you get paid again?
Our life's are just a game of See-saw. But recently more downs then ups. We shouldn’t be in these city's, working in call centre's, working in retail, working at all.
We should still be in the fields, out in the sunshine, eating proper food, having proper family's and enjoying a simplistic existence.
Of course it's an idealist's point of view, but as ive always said, We should stop seeing the world as it is and start seeing it for how it should be.
This has always been a thing thats irritated me on here. We cant have religious discussions....Why?
If this is anything to with racism (In religious terms) I think its utter bollocks.
I live in a country were every year there trying to ban fucking Christmas! Last year, some city called it "the winter festival" WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ENGLAND!
I'm tired of people trying to so politically correct. This country, 20 year's ago would not stand the thought of some foreigner’s imposing on our Christmas holiday's, yet, every fucking year we hear the same bollocks about how there trying not to call it Christmas. here
But even if they get there own little way, guess what? We still have to acknowledge that its "eid"
When i did religious study's in high school (It was compulsory) I learnt a damn sight more about Muslims then what i did of Christianity or about the Jewish! Plus, there Quaarn(Excuse spelling) Which they believe should be placed higher then any other religious book was put on the highest shelf in the room, above all the bibles.
A man was recently stopped by the police for a routine check, it just so happened he had a St George’s flag in the back of his car that other driver's could see clearly. The officer MADE him take it down (Or get fined and have to go to court) because the flag could be considered racist.
Now, i'm not a particularly intelligent person but....Wasn’t St George apart of England before Allah?
Yes, we still have st Patrick’s day here (Everyone enjoys a reason to drink) But i believe that st Georges day has been wiped from the calendar.
Soon, the next generations wont be as excited about Christmas as its always getting pissed upon. And the reason's why white British citizens hold no interest in a religion they were baptized into is partly because they dont know the first thing about it. I know more about how Muslims perform funeral's more then what i know of how Christians do.
There was recently talks of giving them there own law’s. For example, the punishment of there own women for doing something as…pitiful as leaving her husband. Welcome to the modern westernised world, divorce here is a normality. Were living well past our 50’s, would you really want to be married to the same dickhead who takes you for granted for over 40 years? These people that take there religion very seriously will kill there own children if they refuse an arranged marriage. They come from place’s in the world were they will stone to death there women if they get seen in public without there mask’s.
How would giving them there own law’s help anyone?
This is England. If you’re here, you will follow the law’s already set out and if you don’t like it, you can go someplace else.
Last month, I was at work and two Seek (No I cant spell it) gentlemen walked through the shop browsing. On there exist I noticed (As I was on tills) That one of them was wearing a kirpan in plain sight. In English, He was carrying around a knife in plain view. And when I sort of brought it up, I found that the police cant do jack because its part of his religion. Has everyone lost there mind? I’m not insisting that he would use it. But the reason they have kirpans is to kill anyone who offends there religion. So what if someone would get a little uncomfortable standing in a queue behind the guy who’s got a knife? Why does this country make such ridiculous rule’s!
And this is why i have a slightly racist tongue. This is why there were race riots at my high school. This is why there is so much tension between our two very separate races of people.
Your pushing us out of our own space. Your taking away what we know and love and enforcing your own views and traditions.
You see, we never said that you couldn’t follow what you believe. We never said you couldn’t build a mosque. But we also didn’t say you could take away Christmas and British holidays.
Either play ball, or fuck off back to your own turf.
'Wasn’t St George apart of England before Allah?'
No because Allah & the christian god are the same deity.
Saint George does however predate Islam by over 300 years but not as the patron saint of England.
Christianity isn't English either and Jesus is unlikely to have been a blue eyed, white man.
Who cares what they call christmas, it's just for making money anyway. Most of the St. Georges flag broohah is tabloid bollocks anyway aimed at S*n readers.
The law applies to all people except the Rich.
'St George’s flag in the back of his car...'
Was it obstructing his view? If so that in itself is an offence.
The flag wasnt obstucting his view (There was a pic in the paper)
If st george wasnt here before allah i know christianity touched down the uk well before him.
And it does matter what they call christmas. Its like...Celebrating a birthday but not calling it a birthday!
Christmas = Christ + Mass
I prefer Winterval myself as it's non religious not because I may upset somebody.
Christmas was hijacked by the church anyway.
I'ma just go ahead and rant.
I hate screwy dominar's that try and be threatening in a "Who-the-fuck-are-you" kind of way. Take note:
Your a fucking pixel on a website. I wouldnt be threatend by you no matter HOW many times you called me a bitch.
I hate people that reply to forum post's with "Read the VR manual"
Tell me....Have you seen how fucking long that manual is ??? Maybe if i was immortal, i would sit the fuck down and waste oh, i dunno, 200 year's trying to read and seem interested in it.
These types of people also tend to suck up to dominar's, which might explain why they have a chip on there shoulder.
There's only 1 level of people that annoy me, Step forth the egotistical, self important pompus arrogant twats we call "Sires" Now, dont get me wrong, not all of them are bad. But alot of them need to get the fuck down from there high horse and start seeing things from a human point of veiw. You might think your smart because you've just wasted the last two year's of your life clicking refresh and spending countless amount of hour's on this site, but guess what? I.DONT.GIVE.A.FLYING.FUCK.
Profile's that take a million year's to load, then the owner cries when you rate them a 1. Luckly for them there isnt the option of a 0 Because some profile's dont even deserve the 1. Be fucking greatful.
Spelling police. C'mon, its not about how it's spelt, its about what its implying.
Fakers. Yes, there more then common on this site, and thats understandable. But what get's me is that they shut forum post's down for ridiculious reason's and yet leave bastard post's up entitled "How you ever used Magick, and was it successful??" So that the dilusioned can swarm into it and try and get all bill-fucking-gates technical on a unproven subject!
I couldnt give a rat's ass if you perform chaos magic, white magic, Black magic, Green magic, Yellow magic, Healing magic, Gay magic, Love magic or just plain fucking magic. You know why? BECAUSE IT DOESNT FUCKING EXIST!
If you drink blood you should be locked up. Kid's, leave it to hollywood and great authour's that know how to make it real on paper.
For all you anne rice fanatic's out there, FIND YOURSELF A NEW SERIES TO READ. Amazon has countless page's on vampire Genre's. You want a fucking suggestion? JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood.
Last thing that pisses me off?
Poll's probably. NEVER are any of the option's on there one i can relate to. Like...."Who's your favourate band?" and the option's will be a list of fucking unknown's that fail everytime to produce a melody.
I hope you all learned something from this thread. If you didnt, Re-read it.
NOTE: If your thinking about posting a lame ass reply t this topic which insis's that i need to read the fucking manual or "Get over it" Please, dont waste your prescious time. I'm sure you'd rather sit there and refresh the page, while messaging your coven master with "I wanna lick your ass" comments.
Ps. Purgatory is the best Coven on VR. The amount of freedom in there is immeasurable.
Had fun kids, Have a nice day.
Oh dear, if I'm not careful I'm going to end up liking you, some of that was very funny.
"gay magic"... LOL....that's the most MAGICAL kind...
*hugs a unicorn*
The Manual takes a whole 15min to read, this isn't a dating site where you can do whatever you want (despite some of the members). If you have so many issues with the ways things are done on this site why on earth are you even here?
As for Sires, I couldn't agree more. Go figure :)
Keep posting like this and you'll make premature ejaculation really Nice I gotta go change my pants :P
'Read the VR manual'
All rather vague and mostly open to interpretation by uppity dominars
Brava, my dear, brava!
Like you, I am also sick and tired of being told to read the manual, and the terms of service, or aka, some users' Bible. They are simply obsessed, that's all. They live by these pages of rules on this one website. According to them and the rules, a self-taken photo of a young girl's breasts isn't offensive, so long as there are no nipples, like the rules say.
Lmao. It's ridiculous. But what can one honestly do? Laugh.
If you polish the unicorn's horn it gives you magical unicorn mayonnaise.