death is inevitable life is the pain that they put you through to see what you become after death what I want to become when I die is a restless spirit wondering this earth for ever to huant your life and make you scream in your sleep I want you to cry out in agony and yell for death and if I get your death that will bring me one death closer to life and once I get life it will be forever and I shall walk the streets for life to destroy what our so called god has given us !!
time is something we all take for granted .
time is something we seem to have alot of but in all reality we have very little time in this world .
time is ever changing this world change is not allways bad but this world is old and allmost dead we take this world for granted one of these day this world is not going to be here and we will exist no more the end will be neer and we will be help less to it .
listen to yourself you sack of shit ! do you even know who you are? can you even see into yourself? no! so do what I say go get the gun in the desk over there get your keys and drive out to the to the dunes and on your way get some wiskey! set there in your car and think about what you are going to do? think hard are you worth the bullet you are about to put in your head are you ?do you deserve it ? do you want it ? yes!