my boyfriend is very sick with a bad head cold we have not talked for 3 days now but he dose text me I miss his voice and I know he will call me but he has been sleeping a lot and taking his meds his dad is sick with cold too , hope he gets better soon so we can talk again I miss him so much I love you baby
Hugs !!! ------(---(@ but I have been so sleepy lately i get up at 3 am get out at 1 pm i don't usely take naps i go to my mom and dads or home and hang online so i am in bed bye 7 pm not sure whats going on but maybe I been some B-12 low iron or something i,m chubby need to loose weight I meed to check this out ...
I have been thinking that i want to be with him but he can't be with me now because his dad is very sick been in the Hospital for a while on and off so I want to kids and get married but he can't because of his life things going on I have one real love and it's him but it seems i,m 1 going have to wait for him or 2 find someone that will be there for me and want to have kids someday and marry but how much do I really love him to give up a lot right now I waited for glen for so many ways he did not want to be with me someone else now I have to wait longer for someone else what the crap so ,y love is on hold until we can be together its been 6 year going on 7 so I don't know what to do ? do I love him or not I told him I just wanted to be his friend not girlfriend he did not like that so I don't know hopeful I find the answer I do Love him !!!
I'm in pain my tooth suck right now it hurts needs to be pulled infection in my gum so on meds my boyfriend has been there for me and hole time he has showed me that he loves me he keeps me going I been sick for 2 weeks now last week a cold now a tooth problems never ends ... I had takin a pain pill and makes me feel strange and kinda sleepy but I have not wrote anything lately so here i am hope this game tooth gets better soon I Love you Baby !!!
God, tooth pain is the worst! I'm so very sorry to hear this and I hope it gets better soon.