EvilHalloween's Journal

EvilHalloween's Journal


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7 entries this month

Good Friends

01:06 Jun 29 2010
Times Read: 534

Everyone needs good friends and I don't have any of them they lied to me so i have a thing now about friends I have a right too been hurt may times so now i have this guy in my life it's hard to not keep my eyes and ears open I do love him and he dose have a buzy life and we don't talk to many times like we use to but he dose call me and I know he is doing his thing but to me he is my best friend in life he has been there so many times for me doing what he can to help and I love him for it but his dad has been sick and I know he been dealing with that and helping his mom out too so he has got a lot to do but I have to just understand that and not get so up set when he dose not call me he dose care for me and yes his friends are there hanging at his place with him got to have friends I know that but I should come in some where before his friends he calls me last night at 11:00 Pm and I have to go to get up at 3 Am in the morning so i got off the phone at 12 Am and went back to sleep so now i have been hanging online and not herd from him at all so who knows ? I love him very much and always will he is my friend and a close friend in so many ways it sucks when me and him try to have some alone time his friends show up or his mom needs something he felt bad that it happen a few days ago but I am giving up on it now just are bad luck we have damn ..




telling me !!!

15:04 Jun 19 2010
Times Read: 543

He called me at 5 am to tell me he just got home from hanging out with his friends that he has not seen in a long time they went out to the bar but then after they wanted to go to the men's bar he did not want to go he sid he dose not get in to that stuff he said that the one he wants to be with is not there your not a the bar he said I dont dancing in them things he was so up set about he he will not go out with them if your are going there , he dose not believe in them things I am so glad he hates them things I will never find him in one then good they should be closed down any ways he said he loves me I told him i would dance for him like them girls do he said i would love that and I said you dont have to pay me either i,m free lol I will to I love him that much and his mom and him had a fight too about some stuff if she kicks him out then i will have him come to me he a ways have a place to go he knows that , all he needs to get is a one way plane ticket to mass and he would find a good job here and we will live happy together . we will be together some time hopeful soon , I knew he was going to freak out about that to his mom one of the days and I was right good for him he can't move on in life if they dont let go of him they know he wants to be with me but they are keeping him there for some reason thats messed up I want him to come here to be with me and start a good life together and someday get married i hope and have kinds i love you Baby !!!




Us Girls !!!

14:23 Jun 13 2010
Times Read: 550

How do girls get men to think with there brains not out there ass ?? guys do that everyday to us girls they say one thing and do another not saying girl don't do that but men do it more i think I try to let things go and say nothing but i,m done doing that men need to know where they should stand the lady's should not be treated this way we are made a little softer them men we have more feels then men we cry more then men , not sure if men can even cry don't know if it ever happens I don't see men cry but men need to be more caring to us lady's show that they understand us more show more love bring home flowers some times go out to dinner and talk have coffee watch a movie together men rather be with the guys and pick there butt and there nose then spend time with us I think a lot of girl cheat because they get pushed aside for the guys I think men cheat because they mite not be getting it good at home or they see something better so there so much crap out there to deal with men need to see that lady's can be more sensitive then men some times I just want to punch so hard a guy in the face and beat the shit out of him and make sure that he dose not walk for a while that would make me feel better getting out all the anger i have about men out damn I would feel great after that but can't be done well not yet maybe I will be able to do that I hope .. Guys watch for me !!!




We are Slaves !!!

04:32 Jun 13 2010
Times Read: 553

have you ever thought that we are all slaves to the world like you must pay taxes ok we say you must pay bills yes ok we say you must do this and that that is what this world is about we live for the world not for us we work for the world not for us then we say what do we have for our self ? the answer is easy nothing !!! very sad world we live in it use to better then that but now forget it the word is ( slave) we all have to listen to the world or something bad will happen to us so how do we get away from it we don't it will be this way for ever if there is a ever

not sure but remember you don't have a mind of your own someone else controls it ..




this is new !!!

00:28 Jun 09 2010
Times Read: 555

well I let him call a few times and then I answered the phone he asked what happen why i did not answer the phone I was doing something i said then he started to ask me like are you ok you sound so Quit I said i was fine so he started tp ta;l and then he was like saying how much he loved me and how he was lucky to have found me and he said he wanted to cuddle with me and he said he would be here if he could wow I usely have to make him say them things but when he says them on his own that wild I asked him if he was drinking ? he said no why do you ask you think i,m off my rocker ? I said no just wounding I said he said he had to hear my voice I was very upset with him but i am so so now still a little mad from before but not as much I do love him for who i know of him and I really care for him we are close I must say tell each other things he said that we have so many strange things happen to both of us at the same time it is different I must say I he says he thinks of me more then i know I can't believe he was saying them things .. man he must love me or he was on something .. I do Love Him ..




change that Tone !!!

21:17 Jun 07 2010
Times Read: 558

we were talking today before i went to work and I wanted to joke with him so we were talking about cig so i said they are bad for you he said wait a min then he says in a loud voice no one I mean no one will tell me i can't smoke and the thing is I never said anything about him stop smoking so i,m not sure where he got that from then he says in a loud voice do you understand and I said yes then he say are we good i said yes but I really wanted to say well i was joking with you but you freaked out and i was not going to say nothing about it let you freak out so i thought all day how i think that was wrong and i wish i could talk to him about it but it would just make it bad so I wont say nothing so I am still mad at him and he was wrong for saying that to me this makes me think some is he really for me ..??? i,m not sure now ??

I just want to yell at him so bad but I can's it sucks he hurt me and can;t stand it i,m sick of men yelling at me or not think about my feelings men never do they don't care at all use us girls all the time can;t win ..




Crazy Love !!!

04:07 Jun 06 2010
Times Read: 562

well lately everything been good and we are so right for each other I been going though some family problems mom got real sick and it has not been so good my sister had to come and stay with me for a few days and I got sick with stress a few days too but my Sweety was there for me the hole time and talk me though it means so much for me that he was there I needed to talk to someone besides my sister I have to say he is my best friend I really feel like I can trust him with everything he has a open mind and cares for me I just glad I have someone that is more then just a girl I need someone for me a guy to settle down with and be happy with I Love him so much and don't want to lose him at all we are meant for each other and this is the end of the line for me ..

I Love You Baby !!!



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