As if we needed ONE MORE THING to happen......Blew the engine today........YAY
Well, I am now day 7 with my new "attachment/insert". This really sucks. 29 years old and got to spend my b-day in the hospital and get surgery. The doc joked that he was gonna give me a great present. (by taking the kidney stone that was causing so much pain). He never found the stone and now I am living with the stent and all the side effects that come with it. "Two weeks " he said was how long I was gonna have this thing in. Day 7 and it feels like its been a year. Work has been great in adjusting my schedule as needed. However the time that I do miss I don't have PTO saved to make up for it. Well I will stop ranting about my minor shit and try to look on the brighter side. It could have been worse my kidney could have completely failed and so on..... Tomorrow is another day. Wonder what fun adventure it will bring. UGH!!!