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Until about a month or two ago, I never thought I would enjoy this song again. The funny part is its origin... yet Shania Twain dedicated her hand in it to (and I quote) "the ones who have been alone all their lives, until they find/found The Right One for them". Her part for it was actually inspired by her own significant other.
The real/primary message behind this one is actually quite interesting. Yet I meet so many people (in person) who have no idea what it actually is... kind of sad, really. Lol
Yes, it will. But then, there are a few whose voices will forever be equally legendary, if not more so. But believe me, that is not taking any credit away from the guy.
Amazing song, one of my go two songs. I love the artist vocals
21:54 Sep 03 2021 Times Read: 457
Trying to think... and failing miserably at it.
09:12 Sep 02 2021 Times Read: 483
I'm trying to think of something one might call the "base-line" for a new piece of work, but I'm having trouble figuring out what I should use. And given that a lot of my writing is psychological and spiritual-based, it almost feels like it should be quite easy to think of. But of course, my mind is so filled with one particular thought... I can't think of anything else. Lol
Don't get me wrong, the thought itself, is... quite a welcomed thought. But Damn, is it intrusive, when trying to focus on anything else. Lol
It's actually driving me a little bit nuts, to be honest.
But then again, it never really is easy for me to think, as it is. This mind is always racing and flowing with so much crap, it's insane (no pun intended). I think this is why I need to return to music, if I ever can...
At least, I find it a little funny; when I mention something like this to most, they immediately take it straight to a religious standpoint. Personally, I always find myself thinking of straight instinct and intuitive nature.
04:15 Sep 16 2021
Good song:)...