I have a GF now, but her mom doesn't want her seeing me and she can get kicked out if she finds out so we are on the DL for now im worried I hope we can work this out Cuz I really like her a lot and I don't want to have to not be together because of her damn mom :/ especially because she's an adult and should be allowed to date whomever she wants to.
I told her all about my problems with CPS and I think Either her mom or her ex forced her to stop talking to me....I wish she could have at least explained ;(
What is CPS? And I believe if someone can not accept all of me the good, the bad... the flaws... then I am better off without them and can focus on finding the one who will accept me for me. Hey if you ever want to talk welcome to message me anytime. I am a good listener.
I started talking to this girl last night we have a shit ton in common :p she wants to be my GF but I told her I want to get to know her better
Taking things slow is always the best way...
Yeah, it is always best to get to know the person first. It really sucks to be single for a long period of time, many just want the feeling of being excepted and loved. But sometimes its best to wait things out.
I know from personal experiences, if I made the choice to jump into something, even just a "Cuddle buddy" it would have ended badly. So, I am glad I didn't let the "Need for affection" get to me.
And in waiting you might just land that perfect partner ;). Good luck.
Blah like I thought maybe there was a chance for me and this girl but now I'm just pissed at her and tired of the childish attitude. Like one min she says I'm so pretty she can't stand it and that she's been in long distance before and shit making it seem like she's down with all of that and then she's like I can't do long distance I'm sorry, then she says maybe then she turns around and pushes me away yet again. Like wtf. She told me "I'm not even going to entertain this right now, I don't have to deal with it, you are being dramatic, we barely know each other(which is not really true), and this arguing is childish." I replied and told her that that's exactly the problem though she never wants to talk about how she feels about me or in general, and that she never wants to deal with anything and she can't just keep running away when shit gets too hard and that im stepping out of the convo and to message me later if she wants but honestly I don't see it ever working out if she can't learn to open up and I don't see that happening.
Communication is important in any relationship or friendship. If you are willing, but the other party isn't then sometimes it is not worth it.
I have two people in my life, and I am an extremely patient person. At this point, I do not even want to deal with them. I am not even a violent person, and I want to smack the crap out of them!
Sometimes it is best to just ignore their text, one thing you do not always have to answer. I sure as hell do not when I see they have sent me something like; "Hello, sweetie! I seriously miss you soo much! How are you!" I seriously want to smack her. I am not interested. Or I say; "Sorry, I am busy with school." and not reply. Easy.
Thank you for the advice, she and I aren't even speaking and I don't really care anymore she can bite me I'm fed up with her mood swings
i did not sleep good last night and i need a shower blahhhhhhh
i dont really feel like moving....
will she decide to give me a chance? i know she likes me back, but she hates herself so much, but shes do damn beautiful and shes perfect to me and i just really hope she can look past her insecurities and see that. id love the chance to show her just how amazing she is.
wow its been a really long time since ive been on here lol i have been through so much, im single now and on my own for the first time in my life, and my ex is treating me like im the worst piece of shit on the planet and i am prettty sure im gay and my son is in a diff state than me for now and my life has basically been turned upside down it stinks but at least i am finally getting to get back into things i love and not having to worry about my exes opinion of any of it anymore which is really nice because he was really a huge asshole and im kinda glad to be free of him and his fucking stupid emotionally abusive crap i put up with him for way too long.
Good for you. No one deserves to be treated badly.
As a person that been through abuse, I can it is not easy to leave that, but once you do, it is a wonderful feeling.
If you every need anyone to talk to, I would be gladly be a listening ear for you.
Feel free to message me if you like.