Of trying so hard.
To have a life.
To make friends
And have it be all for nothing.
I try so hard.
Only to have people stop talking to me or not show up or be too busy for me(Summer) or to take advantage of me. I've had enough.
I lost Ashley cuz she wanted to blame me for something i never did. I lost Sara because she apparently never liked me or she's just too damned jealous for her own good whichever. I lost tiffany because she couldnt be a decent person and tell me i was oversharing about my religion and that she couldn't deal with it. I never even really was friends with Cora but i tried and she just doesn't have the decency to tell me why she doesn't wana be my friend before even giving me a real chance she just makes plans with me and then doesn't call
Or text or show up. Which is what happens every time i try to make a new friend and idk what I'm doing wrong but I'm just done.
I'm so tired of this
I'm just done.From the Inside (how I'm feeling)
sometimes i hate not being able to call my fiance i am really craving pizza, stuffed crust V.V and i need to ask him if any of my stuff shipped yet v.v im starving starving sssstarrvvvinngggg lol dude idk whats wrong with me i usually hate pizza v.v
that this site is going to be a problem for me lol i cant seem to go to bed at a decent time since ive joined XD
haha premium rocks XD so much to do so little time to do it XD