ah ha ha ha ha this is so funny. Amber thinks I'm stayng sober tonight and driving home....ahh I love her. AHHHHH I'm SO EXCITED!!! I got a JOB! WOOHOO I start on Monday! yes two points for me! lol and a shit load of drinking tonight! Plus we're going to be in a hot tub! this is a special night.....and I don't have that special person here with me....sad...*sniffs* The coolest thing about this new job is that I can make up to 1200 a pay check! SVEET I just may be able to go the doctor and afford more of the damn medication that I should be on.....and afford the shit I'm taking right now that I'm running out of. whoo hoo....oooooOOOOOOO I saw Rachel and Chris the other day and I think Rachel is pregnant!!! her stomach was big! HA HA HA HA FUCKERS! Good have kids at a young age and be miserable! Because I so doubt that Chris is going to do anything with his life besides smoke pot and get arressted. And Rachel well.....then theres Rachel what else can I say. lol Sorry as horrible as that sounds I think that is hillarious! Either way I've been talking with chloe's Dady and he's going to get her Mother a new car. OOoooooo we just got the call from Sami sveet now we're going to go drink. So I say CHEERS! Lets drink up and forget our problems for a night and laugh our asses off while we stumble to walk to the car by the end of the night!