EpicInDefiance's Journal


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5 entries this month

Don't slap my face unless you kiss me.

05:32 Aug 28 2005
Times Read: 673

[ mood | peaceful ]

[ music | Alice Cooper....Snakebite and Die for you. ]

ahhh god what an interesting night. I called Nicole when I got done with work and inturupted her dinner with Chris so I felt bad for that. But the interesting thing was, was when I got into the truck when my father came to pick me up he asked me if I had some nuggets right as soon as I got it. I laughed and told him only enough for one more bowl which was being honest. But anywhom. So I gave him the last of my shit since he's suppose to go get some tonight and give me back what he owes me. Plus I'm babysitting my little bro and sis. So he can go to his 20 year school reunion. So I'm letting him go, looking at my stash and seeing nothing there, and sitting on the computer watching the kids. Great fun. I'm suppose to call Dave in a bit..greater fun!... :> OH! OH! OH! Better yet I found my favorite cd(I actually have it on tape) by Alice Cooper...It was awsume I didn't think that I had it anymore but I do and it's fucking awsume. I want to get it on vinal and on cd nothing wrong with having it in more than one place. :D "love is in the air" when I think of it. Oh yeah the cd is "Hey Stupid" I would sugest going out and buying it right now! I mean fuck the cd is flawless with killer jams. I'm listeing to it right now. go figure.

Stand tall fuckers!




Unexpected Surprise....

07:18 Aug 21 2005
Times Read: 679

[ mood | Stoned. ]

[ music | Pink Floyd...set the controls for the heart of the sun. ]

I just spent the last hour an half getting STONED with my FATHER in my FATHER'S basement! I'm still high. It was funny as hell he kept yelling at me...."You don't hold your smoke in long enough." "You're drags aren't long enough." and more shit like that. It was great. But while we were high we wrote a little statement about being depressed and dark and Dracula....

There is a difference in between being "Depressed" and being "Dark". Depressed is issues. Dark can be either enchanting or frightening. Dark is having genuine pleasure in being an asshole. Dark is also being "evil" and "sinister" in the classical sense; such as vampires. Which is what this web site is all about. It's not about being depressed and feeling sorry for yourself. So as I've said get the fuck over it. But since this site is VampireRave.com We'll talk about Dracula for a moment. Dracula wasn't depressed. He derived genuine pleasure in being dark and sinister in the "clasical sense". I believe in that classical sense that he was actually fucked over and wasn't the bad guy. Now the real Vlad the Impaler, the son of Vlad Dracul, was kinda've an asshole. But against that Vlad Dracul was a beautifuly insane genius. He was confident. He was formal. He was also very wealthy. But unlike the classical Dracula that we all know and love, he was also very brutal and sometimes rather messy. He wasn't depressed either. He merely derived genuine pleasure from being an asshole. So as has been always said before ".G.E.T. .T.H.E. .F.U.C.K. .O.V.E.R. .I.T!"

Now just after we finish I get the munchies. So I turn to him and ask him if I could raid the frige. He said....."Why would anyone waste a $75 high on a $3.50 cheeseburger?" then he fucking stand up points his fingure and yells softly "Avoid the "munchies"!"




I'm fucking addicted.

08:28 Aug 20 2005
Times Read: 684

[ mood | Manic depressive. ]

[ music | Ozzy...Diary of a madman. ]

I don't know what I'm doing I just know that I'm not going to stop. It's okay.. The closer the day get's the more I smoke...jesus.. you'd think that I would have grown up by now.. one would think and I hoped to be... I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about 100%...wtf.





I love this song..Ozzy...you're no different.

the guitaring has a certian sound that I love. It's kind a like you want to write about it..but there are no words to the sound. I've been put into state of thought where I can't think of any words...wow I just smoked a shit more...stupid.

I'm spacing out...it's taken me a half an hour to type this shit...

I like getting my check licked...*warm memory*




"My sock...Where the fuck is my other sock?"

01:10 Aug 15 2005
Times Read: 687

[ mood | Thanks for the gum. ]

[ music | Ozzy....Flying High Again. ]

11 more days till my birthday and I'm not sure if I should be excited or not. Frankly the only thing that I have on my mind is absolutely nothing. What I really want to do right now is go up to Elk Mound tower and look at everything below. Maybe even get stoned. Any who so gas has basically gone up to $2.60per gallon. Which is complete bullshit. I heard, heard that the gas is still going to go up. What we really need is a bus station in Elk Mound that can take us to Menomonee or Eau Claire. I'd ride it. Just to get somewhere because I don't feel like paying for gas when it's that fucking expensive. um....I got of work an hour early because I booked things and got all my shit done early. So that was nice. But any whom Thursday night when I got home I went back out side and walked along the train tracks and I fucking heard this screech and then a dog barking and not to soon afterward the dog started to whimper or shit and I fucking saw something huge run out of the woods down the tracks. So me, being completely stoned because I smoke more when I got home was completely freaked out by the incident. I ran off to my car that is still parked outside by the garage and locked myself in. I don’t think that it was that dramatic. If I weren’t stoned I probably wouldn’t have locked myself in the car but I defiantly would have just stood there watching it run away. I know it wasn’t a dear or any small animal like a rabbit or something. Um…. Lets see…. I woke really startled last night with a really bad dream. It was a car accident. And it seemed so real that it actually made my entire body jerk me off the bed. I ended up hitting my head on my nightstand. Well I guess that’s enough. Other than that.

Energized...Just keeps going and going, it's never gonna stop!




smells like teen spirit.

22:08 Aug 10 2005
Times Read: 692

[ mood | content ]

[ music | no music I'm in a library. ]

Ugg....I'm annoyed by this. They put me on an anti biotic that gave me a rash a day after I finished it. And then they have the Hospital has the gall to call me up telling me that they did some test scans and I'm amun(can't spell) to it. hmm...lets see I'm at the Library with Sam. I can't go to work yet and that pisses me off. It was my Father's b-day yesterday so that's cool. I'm sorry I'm just in the mood to write random things I'm really not all that pissed. 15 more days till my birthday. I am having a problem with my tatoo and piercing that I want. I want them both on the back of my neck but I'm pretty sure that I don't want to get them done at the same time but I do want both. I think I'll just get my peircing elsewhere. I was thinking about my shoulder or something and then gettting my tatoo on the back of my neck then I'll get it peirced when it heals. anyways enough of that shit..I'm hungry.



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