Is it bad to hate someone you dont know?
not for what they did to you. but what they did to a person you care for.
is that selfish to hold hate for someone after the person they hurt has already forgiven them?
I can forgive anyone who acts and hurts me, that is easy ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I am a very peaceful forgiving person.
What I cant forgive is what people do to those I care about.
I hold grudges for other people who act against my friends and loved ones for far longer than people would expect.
I just find it harder to forgive someone for the things that I have seen or heard them do.
but I am cancer and as my friend amy would say I am moody and throw mantrams over shit I shouldn't .
what does the crowd have to say I wonder
till then
Cya in hell boys and girls
14:48 Oct 17 2010
There are three sides to every story..your side,their side and the truth.
Thing is,the offended forgave them.maybe its time you let go of that grudge too.
They only eat you alive,from the inside out..