You stand alone in a dark room
the lights tuned out long ago, the dust has settled and the only thing in this room now is the voices you are so used to hearing where ever you go.
one voice is smooth and soothing, speaking of past memoirs that make you smile.
one voice is harsh and loud yelling at you about how pointless your life is.
one voice is like a sharp hiss that tells you of all he vile things you could do.
one voice is calm and quite and tells you of all the things wrong in your life
The last voice is your own. Yelling to drown out the voices in your head.
you scream loud enough to wake the dead in a room by yourself to stop the noise.
and then you hear the calm voice say
is pointless you know
and you cant help but lough because you agree
you turn on a radio
and let music fill your mind till you tire
then you fall asleep to the sound of voices
After much debate.
I have answered my own question, this is very much because when you are stuck cleaning dishes all day a your home you have nothing better to do than think and ponder life's little dilemmas
Love can only be given and when it is given it must be done with full trust and the knowledge that you would give the world for this person. the willingness to give your soul to them for the chance that it will make them happy.
the difference between loving someone and being in love with them are great indeed. you can love a job, a car, a dog, friends or family. but to be in love is something that very rarely happens.
the reasons that love stories are so few in number is for just that reason. many people will go their whole lives without knowing true love but only a shadow of it, the false hope of happiness compared to the blissful life that one can have when love is their guiding light.
I used to think i was in love with this girl who gave me attention when no one else would.
sadly she didn't love me back and mine was the hope and false light no he actual article.
now i have a chance to find love in my life
but love is something that takes two to fulfill.
one person who falls in love with another is nothing but a chance if the person who they love doesn't take that chance.
a doorway holds no meaning till one steps through it
a lock is pointless if there is nothing to keep safe
a lover is a fool if there is no love being shared
so i shall remain the fool till i can win the trust and love of the girl that has gained both of mine in such a short time.
sadly the life of a fool is a sad one filled with sorrow and mishap for as long as he goes on the path of love without that light to follow he will stumble and fall and perhaps even die before h ever sees that light he so desperately craves.
so if you read this
hold a small prayer for a fool who goes blindly onto a path that he knows holds little chance for success.
for a princess deserves a prince and not a fool of a magi.
she will tire of me yet my friends and when she does i shall forever remain the fool
for a fool is one who will go after a light even when it has left him alone in the dark.
cya in hell boys and girls
how do you steal someones heart away from them?
I know how to give my heart fully
I know how to survive the crush of losing love
I know how to hold back the thoughts that can drive you mad
I know how to express myself in almost any situation
I know how to recognize my emotions
I know a lot of things for my own emotions
What I dont know
Is how to make someone love me the way I love them without falling into the stereotype of love struck romeo that to many people now see as hopeless cases
how do you prove your love
does it take me doing things I dont want to do
must I bleed myself dry in front of them
Must I put my own heart on the line and pray it is not in vain
shall I be the clever hunter that catches her heart in a fashion that she did not expect
time is the teller of truth
the reveler of all things
love will stand the test of time
lust will fall to the way side
the mind can rationalize the world away but the heart can only pray for a better life
when your time comes though there is no bluffing death and you have to play your hand
what to do?