Life in terms of today's society is a matter that has many sides. The norm of my generation and many others is a life of strife and troubles. Life back in the days of our parents was tough and technology was as low as gas prices. With the typical American families of 2-3 children with the mom staying at home and the dad going off to work and coming home late to a nice dinner on the table. Kids would obey their parents and tried hard at school so they could try to get good jobs and not have sex till marriage.
That was the norm several generations ago, then it went to the norm of that mixed in with the norm of families who believed in peace over war and sex was as ok as the drugs they did because it was in nature and nature was the way life was. From the fifties though the eighties the norm of family life has been changing with a mix of all the other ones intertwined in the way children were being raised. The nineties was an age were you had the baby boomers as parents and war veterans as grandparents or as proud parents themselves, technology starts improving and growing faster than the kids of this generation. And now the norm of families is parents out of college or high school in jobs trying to beat gas prices and raise your kids the "correct" way. No matter what the norm is the fact remains that with every generation there is another fad another catch phrase and of course another problem. A common fact among all families is the fact that parents and kids will fight, when I say fight I don't mean that they will be at each other throats but that they will be in some form of disagreement and most of the time the norm of the next generation is based off of what the last generation thought of as wrong or explicit. When a generation finds its norm it is usually based of a former norm or a mixture of several other norms of past generations but never the same as the generation before them. It's almost as an act of rebellion or as a symbolic message to their parents that they are new and they are different and that they have an identity. As our generations grow and the new ones start appearing the things that our parents thought of as sick and wrong is now the new cool thing that everyone accepts. But because people try to find a norm for themselves stereotypes are formed and then the act of rebelling becomes something predictable.
colors and sounds rushing together in the heat of the moment! Information rushing to your brain, painting a picture in your mind! Sense and reason abandons you, leaving you to fend for yourself as the tides of emotion fill your little world to the brim!
That is how you're days are spent in this merry go round of life.
one second to the next, a heartbeat away from death each time. thoughts of all kinds from saintly to demonic filling your heart and soul with both love and hate
Life is like a card game with death; you can always try to bluff your way out but in the end, when your time comes and you lay you're cards out that's all there is to it.
If I were to ask you to lay you're soul on the line, would you do so in a heart beat? Or would you falter and try to think of a way out? Would you give you're self without a care in the world because it would save someone or because you think it would save you in the long run? Are the best of people the ones that spend their whole lives living for others and God? Or the ones that live for themselves? Can one truly be selfless and still be called human? is it not true that from the moment we are born we are demanding and pleading for the things we want, even till the day we die we plead and beg and demand what we believe we deserve, is that not true?
Give me a moment in time were i could change any aspect of life, and i would give the world, the truth of it all, Perfect insanity. the key to life to live a happy care free life with no worries, of past or future is to embrace the insanity of it all, And take that leap over the edge. The ones that cling to sanity like a life rope making the rules of the world and telling us what is right what is wrong, What to think and how to act are the ones that are truly crazy for they can not embrace what was given to them, a unique way to view the world. Each and every person has a different view on life and on others, that can not be doubled and can not be followed 100% by anyone, and because of that every man woman and child is uniquely insane.
god bless ignorance and troubled minds, for they are the ones that try to rule the world
the rest of us are just here for the ride
C'ya in hell boys and girls
22:54 Aug 24 2010
Ain't that the truth...
Save the future.. spank your kids!!! lol That's the problem with the world today.. seriously. People are so afraid of getting in trouble for "child abuse" that they can't even spank their own damn kids without fear of losing them. If we get reprimanded for disciplining our children, this is the way things will always be. Problems will persist, they won't get better; they will continue to get worse.. It's started to get out of control.. to the parents in my generation... SPANK YOUR KIDS! That is the only thing that will make them learn!!!
*Here so people don't think I'm crazy:
Only children ages 2-6 should be spanked.. any older, take away their TV and send em to time out.
Do NOT physically abuse your child. There is a difference between spanking and abusing.. know that difference.