it always amazes me how u can trust me and then they stab u in the back........... trust is frail but hard 2 kill....... my trust towards every1 is killed and cut 2 pieces......... don't try 2 earn my tryst u won't get it....... don't eccept things of me that u already know I can't give cus I won't even try 2....... I'm sorry every1 expects more of me than what I can give and it always ends up as dissappointment........ 4 exsample razel espected more than I could give and now he thinks I led 2 him but he doesn't understand I didn't...... I'll admit I l;oved him and I gave him my trust but he was the 1 that killed my trust....... people hurt others thats life thats the way it works and hopefully I won't have 2 be here anylonger than I have 2 people are mean and hurtful
what do u do when u get raped? who do u tell?
how do u dealwith it? I acted like it didn't happen Itold my best friend I cryed.......... nowI'm scared I'll see him again
I hate 2 see couples break up....... no matter what happens both the girl and the guy always are hurt over it even if it's 4 the best....... the ones that love eachother are luckiest but they don't see it untill they lost eachother...... when I broke up with chris I didn't relize how much he ment 2 me because I was nieve now I'm alone and I know I will always be alone. I hope every1 who reads this and is in love with some1 will relize how much he or she means 2 u...... if u have a problem try 2 fix it as best u can remeber that he or she will always be there 2 guide u through 2 tuff times and that even a marrige that last ahunder years always has hard times and it takes alot of love and courge 2 pull it through the tuff times yall have a good day or night
I find this shit strange she can talk shit about other people on her profile yet if u actully talk 2 her she'll say shit about cancer batcyld and daire but she won't put that on her profile..... she's a straight up whore and she need 2 get a life of her own and stop bitchin' about people givein' her a 1 HELLO every1 gets at least one 1 but the rest of us don't bitch and moan about it....... fuck that fat ass regergitated cumbubble she ain't worth shit 2 me