I ended relationship today... I did something know I can fix...I hope it doesn't come back to haunt me... I am happy and greatful for all the comments today journal.I am new but not for long..I hope your day journal was better than mine...I know I sound silly talking to a journal but it is the only thing I do know that won't make me chose which guy I should be with.or how I am mad your with another..I am young yet I never dated now I am trying to see others there's more to life than one guy one out there and he knows my heart my likes and desires, I wish for thing make it easier on me with out having to break a heart I know I dislike doing so help me find peace.Thanks journal.
14:09 Mar 12 2016
Trust in you heart for it knows what the soul longs for.
01:17 Mar 15 2016
Only you know what's right for you. If you feel you made a right choice then don't second guess it. :)
18:26 Mar 15 2016
Nice entry and I do not think it odd your write it like you do. Welcome to VR. Message me anytime. I like helping new people and making friends.
18:28 Mar 15 2016
Oh also on heart matter.. never rush into anything. Enjoy being young. Make friends first before the love thing. And listen to your heart but also and foremost listen to your head 1st. Sometimes the head has to have talks with the heart because the heart does not always make the best choices. Trust me on that.
02:37 Mar 26 2016
i agree with what Dakotah said.
we all make mistakes. all we can do is learn from them