...model pictures and other random stuff I like or entertain me, check out my tumblr!
I went to derby practice on Tuesday night and lasted 20mins before my ribs started hurting and stopping me from breathing well...So I have been ordered to hang my skates up till I get better...which sucks, but I know it's the best thing to do, so right now, I'm quite sad and frustrated :/
*throws tantrum*
I just thought I'd give you an update on my ribs...They're still a bit swollen, and don't hurt much...when I take fuck loads of painkillers :D
Off to practice tomorrow but I've been told to go steady (by Luna...one of the head dolls) and to avoid rough contact...So just skating around then lol, takes away some of the fun... XD
Also; is anyone excited for this royal wedding? I personally couldn't give a fuck, (Holy fuck, I'm British and don't care about the royals, what a to do?!) To be honest...I don't know anyone who is excited for the wedding...waste of money if you ask me, money that could be spent on something better...wankers...Sorry, but the adverts are really driving me mad now lol
Turns out I have cracked ribs...
Okay, change of plan, no Roller Derby practice for me tonight, as it now appears I'm having issues with my ribs, breathing and sickness...Hmmm reckon it is connected to me falling on them on Sunday? Pffft :(
You know what I'm going to tonight? I'm going to go to Roller Derby practice...yes, that's right, I'm that crazy, I'm going to go with my swollen ribs and my bruised coccyx, you know why?! Cos I'm hardcorrrre! Lol, no that's a lie, I'm not feeling so bad today, still hurts, just not as bad and I miss skating...But I'm gonna have to be careful, I don't want to fall in the same places again otherwise, I'd be in alot more pain than I've been in!
So yeah...wish me luck guys!
I feel I want to tell you all about the awesomeness of my weekend! Why you ask? Well I'll tell you!
Yesterday (Saturday 2nd) was the Great Yorkshire Showdown which included LRD Whip Its (My team), Rainy City Roller Girls Tender Hooligans, Liverpool Roller Birds, Manchester Roller Derby, Dolly Rockit Rollers and Hot Wheel Roller Derby. It was an awesome day and everyone played great! Who won you want to know? Well LRD of course ;) Cos we're bad ass, woooo!
Today, as it's my weekend off, I decided to go to the practice sessions today (3hrs of skating and drills) Well, we we're practicing outside arm whips (fun!), and I collided with another doll and fell on my knees then fell on my lower ribs, which winded me for a bit.
Then a bit later, we were doing a scrummage, and my wheels got locked with another dolls wheel which launched me backwards, right on my coccyx. Fucking ouch. I had to sit out the rest of the session with an ice pack on it ¬_¬
So now I type, anxiously waiting for my new bruises, full of a mixture of excitement and pain, but hell, that's roller derby for you!
Woooo LRD!