I get to see Alina for the first time in like a month.
She's had a cyste and I haven't wanted to visit her because I didnt want to pop it.I decided that I want to get a job at hot topic.I think that would be totally bad ass.When i was there on the 21st,i got glow in the dark tongue rings and alina a hello kitty belly button ring.i hope she likes it.she has a strange obsession over hello kitty and yoshi anyway.so,i assumed she would. but to assume is to make an ass out of you and me. i learned that saying from my cousin ervin
My kindle got stolen one day when I was playing Hackey Sack,so I haven't been able to get on
as much as I would like to be able to.I'm still dating the amazingly sexy Alina.
I've been going to school almost every week day besides holidays and inservance days.
I have had the cold and the flu.There's a whole lot of snow and ice on the ground.
I have been driving around quite abit and got lots of new Cds for my car.
Today,I bought 10 blank Cds and have downloaded music on to 3 of them
so far.I went to my grandma barbie's house twice to help her out.She got her
tonsils taken out and might have lung cancer from smoking as long as she has been.
I have been fighting a constant battle with pills on and off often.
I almost over dosed on ambien when I was over at my grandma's house.
I house sat for my great grandma,fed her cat and watched her cable for a whole weekend.
Last night,I had the house to myself and invited Alina over but her alcoholic ass
forgot about it.We started the 2nd trimester in school and I have been taking
Art,British Literature and Financial Algebra.I'm still waiting on my report card
from last trimester to come in but I have absolutely no doubt that my grades
were incredible.I went to Big Lake for 3 days with my peer helpers group
which was really fun.I also got my tongue pierced and for 2 weeks I was
going through the painful recovery stage.But now,if I wanted to
I could use it on Alina. Besides all that,not a whole lot has
been going on.I have just been switching between my mom's and dad's houses.
And listening to Nicki Minaj.