Muscles tense as the moment of his death
arrives what seems clear is that it may lead to
his demise But what is not lost is he reason to
exist on a forsaken planet were corruption
lives. His taped up hands and fists prove of
the violence with in he stands his ground even
at death's end. But what seperates a warrior
from a fighter's hear is just a reason why they
are similar and yet depart ? or is it more
then 'just a muscles of iron and technique
abound perhaps appearance is of no avail ?
The answer lies in how it ends from the moment
the bell rings till the warrior decends with a
sword in his hand. The difference lies in how
life is lived bowing his head and knowing that
there is an end. No arrogance he leads a life of
difficulty to no end in trying to seek peace of
mind that others soon forget. Struggling with
his inner self a demon that destroys all to which
he his battle is eternal and has no end because
this no a persuit of self perfection. It is a way to
lead ones life with honor and comassion for all
to strive when he is challenged he moves away
unless death is present no battle will be
waged. Humility is the warriors true way a
figthers seek glory and not the samething.
Reputation divide all the same but the difference
is known and let it remain. Though one strives
to be the best the other one does not contend
and in this he finds truth of all that a warrior is
the strongest of all.