Darkness hides in us all
However to whom does it command?
Is it only what we seek when we feel
in times of need ? Nay it's the very essence
of death's defeat. Strength of night with ones
mind seems so sublime, but yet negates the
ends of time. The rage primal dwells within and
seeks for lust conquest and other desires to our
akin, however yet it goes beyound sin.
My demon crawls within portions that frigten
mortals in they're tracks cannot hope
understand this creature too is also within.
Unleashed upon the world at large it cares not
what it desires only the relish in fleshy delights
of discord and destruction throught primal might.
Yet we cannot help but embrace it's truth for the
demon within us all brings out the nature in us
all whom seek to find that chance of peace I
becon thee release the beast !
As I gaze upon the night
a scene of virgin white
has caught my eye
It surrounds all things
wether it be day or night
Yet it causes trees to die
and comes during the winters
solictice bringing doom
but yet it's beauty duth
All eyes stare upon it and yet
it cares not for judgement
the element of life is in it's death
but to which do we truly know
what is this white spector known as death.
As I look into the stary night there is to behold a divine sight, nay it's night of the stars but of a heavenly body beyound compare to which nothing sees in despair.
Her earthly toned skin and soft as a summers night breeze rids mortals of desired fantasies. Always looking ever skyward unto the night her beauty goes beyound the sky.
Her lips the color of the changing leaves of winters kiss for it's more then any mortal man tries to resist. Yet Dreams go by day and night of how to see this angel of the night. Her smile always taunting me ever so hauntingly invading my dreams but there is no worry of her plight for I know it shall be of true delight, even though my heart does sink and weep at the dawning of the sun constantly reminded that tis only for a short while to the next setting sun, That I shall look once gain into the sky and behold the goddess of the night.
Darkness embrace all whom see to think they what I am or by thine sight of just to be free. All they can tell is my mortal shell is only of flesh and tell finite to our dismay shall only be a moments fray. For now the broken shall come to light and forever has the eternal lasting life bring forth life's true delight.
Fear thee night of damnation sought for it's only of a mortals thoughts to which we dwell day by day seeking path's and natures true domain. Cruel as she maybe mistress night cares night for mortals plights all she seeks is her delights of natures sweet taste for again and again she does partake to which she brings all to stare she is part of our lives, and do not despair for look upon her not in fear for she is there for all to hear. I have embraced a cold touch and felt the wramth of the sun so now I envy those who also see the night