my hands been going numb the past few days now
i been rubbing it trying to make the numbness go away
dont even know why its going numb like this it feels so
funny. i,m to young to feel this damn old lol
i woke up at 230 and had a smoke and then about 330 i took a hot shower which i needed
my aunt is still sleeping and i,m just sitting here drinking my coffee and trying to hit 80...
i have to make a phone call later on today for a ride to an appt my aunt has on the 29th
i might go see a doctor well shes getting her tests done just to see if everythings ok with me
I Walked to the store for my aunt today
i like to walk alot keeps me from gaining any weight back
trying to stay healthy as i can...its hard for me to do but i,m doing it
i went from 250 to 190 in a few months trying to get to 150 or 140 either or
its really hard to lose that weight though
today has been a good day so far....i been have heartburn the past few hours took meds for it and then took pain meds to help with my hip and back so i can move around abit i so hate sitting still for along time i like to walk alot but with my hip and back acting up like they do which sucks cause i,m only in my 40s i should not be feeling this damn old lol...
I took pain meds for my hip which has been hurting the past week now
i hate being in pain it sucks i,m only in my 40s i should not be in this much pain
but i,m use to it though i try to ignore the pain but it gets so bad that i just cant
ignore it anymore.
my aunt trys to help me the best she canand i love her for it
shes my moms twin sister and i,m so happy to have her in my life
yeah we might pump heads sometimes but it always works it self
i been having pain in my side the past few days now and it wont go away
it even hurts to touch the area not the first time i have had this kind of pain
in my side and i guess it wont be the last ugh
Sounds like you need to visit the doctor... ever had your appendix out?
yeah i had it out when i was younger
never had promblems with gullbladders