i think i have split personilty
i hear all kinds of voices telling me
what to journal.
like stories or even stuff that are bugging them
they only let their selfs be heard when i get upset or even pissed off they like it when i'm calm so i try my hardest to keep myself in a calming state but sometimes i just find it really hard when i have an aunt that's been drinking the past few days and i have to deal with it daily just thinking about it makes me want to punch something really bad
but i'm trying to stay calm
i dont like the feeling of being set off cause i sometimes blackout that only means that miss evil is wanting to come out to cause trouble which i'm trying not to let that happen cause i only indent to hurt other's feelings.
I been dealing with my damn aunt and her drinking all night she's asleep on the couch i had to hide her half pint of vodca it makes my stomach turn when i have to smell it on her breath i had to deal with my mom's drinking before she passed away and seeing my aunt drink like she does makes me sad and very upset i cant stand drinking i dont mind her drinking beer or wine but that poison called vodca it has to end soon or i hate to say but i'll be moving to my other aunt's house.
sorry about ranting i just had to get it off my shoulder's it was driving me freaking crazy