One of the guys in my team at work has some sort of physical disability kinda like a severe hunchback. It's left him with quite severe curvature of the spine, to the extent that he's probably barely 5 foot tall. He's a great guy, very quick to pick things up, a good worker, quite funny. He's also married, and he and his wife have 5 month old twins.
Now I have no idea how to say this without sounding superior or whatever, but it really makes me wonder what the absolute fuck is so wrong with me??? Because obviously something is. It can't be because I'm fat, plenty of people are fat and they still manage to get partners. Or because I have bad eyesight or bad skin or crooked teeth or a stupid brain condition or whatever. None of those things should be dealbreakers. Except that they evidently are. At least for me.
Which leads me to believe that there must be a hell of a lot more wrong with me than I originally thought. I just don't know what it is, and evidently it's so bad that no one will tell me.
Which leads to the obvious conclusion that I must be better off being alone.
A couple of months ago that probably would have devastated me. Now it's just more like... yeah, I kinda figured.
Age has at least some benefits, I guess.
I just wish I knew, though...
Warning: a bit of nerdiness ahead.
So I installed a new Rainmeter skin yesterday because I was getting a little bored with my previous DX:HR desktop theme (this is what it looks like now: Clean and minimalist and purple! Whee!!). Unfortunately said theme's zip file came with Helvetica. So I decided to install it because I didn't have it. And there was my mistake.
It's friggen everywhere!!! I mean, it's a cool font and all, but I don't need every single web page reading in it!!! Gah!!!
I've tried changing default fonts in my browser settings... didn't work. I've tried deleting it... no luck, it says it's in use, even when I've closed every program and everything. *sigh* Looks like it's gonna have to be a registry job, as much as I dislike that sort of thing.
Poo. Poo. Poo.
Oh well, that can wait til the weekend, off to works now!
So my favourite pair of Lee jeans has died in the arse (literally).
This morning I decided to check out the Lee site to see if I could order some more. Bearing in mind that I got my pair in the States, I go to the US site, and find some perfect replacements...
Only to discover they don't ship overseas. Crap.
So I get onto the Australian Lee site.
... good fucking Lord that site is a total wank and a half. Not only is it aimed at anorexics but it's bloody incomprehensible. I can't even SEE a pair of jeans on that site!!! And anything I do see has a pretentious, artsy name, has no clothing information attached, let alone pricing, and looks like is sized up to maybe a 6, tops.
This is reminding me why I hate clothes shopping.
Also that I obviously need to go to the States again to get me a perfect set of jeans :P
Apparently my inability to write anything at the moment also extends to writing job applications.
... wtf brain? Jeez. You want this job!!!!
00:05 Nov 07 2011
I thought of a ton of super supportive and really witty things to say but they all just seemed really dumb....
All I can do is offer a hug