I am incredibly over the whole moving thing. I am also never going to do anything for anyone else ever again, as it always comes back to bite ME in the butt, not them.
I really, REALLY wanted to sleep in today. Alas, that wasn't going to be the case, due to very noisy and inconsiderate road workers arriving for work at 7am. Then again, 7am is still a sleep in from when I usually get up...
Next week I have a week of early shifts, so that will be fun, not. I did one early shift 2 weeks ago. The novelty did not quite pay off the whole getting up and going to work in the dark thing, although I did find out that fog really does roll towards you like in the horror movies.
I am also going house hunting today, looking for a new apartment that's closer to the new worksite. I've heard a bunch of bad stories about that area so we'll see what it's like when I get there. Personally I've never had any issues with safety and I've lived in some rough places. Well, we'll see how that one goes I guess.
I have had to cancel most of my games due to my shifts - very sad. Hopefully when my full roster comes out I'll be able to work something out so I get my gaming fix in some way... otherwise I will be very grumpy!
So in my latest time wasting endeavour, I've gotten myself addicted to playing Perfect World. It's very cute, along the lines of the ones I've played before (Shaiya, Silk Road, etc etc). However because it had been so long since I've played an MMO I'd forgotten what happens when you publicly advertise the fact that you're a girl on one. OMG. Never again. I'm happy just grinding, fellas. No cam for you!
So, I have a 3 day weekend (again) and next week is only a 3 day week because I have Friday off (giving me another 3 day weekend). CAN THIS JOB GET ANY BETTER?!?!!?? Seriously!!!!
I took some live calls this week which went well, hardly any error which is quite unusual. Tuesday (after the 3 day weekend) we have a live call assessment which I'm not overly worried about.
In other news, I made pancakes for breakfast! Woo!