Today I handed in my resignation.
No going back now.
I'm not sure I like the new Manage Friends List page... I liked having everything on one page.
You know what would be cool though... if you got a system generated message every time someone added you to or deleted you from their friend's list. Or being able to sort the friend lists you are on page into date added order. That would save trolling through the entire list to try and figure out who added you... yeah ^^
I agree with you or have it to where if someone wants to add you you have to ok it lol I get so many whelps that add me and don't even bother to rate/comment me. I message them and tell them to please take me off there friends list lol I even had one whelp say "I thought this is what everyone did on here" I said no not everyone likes to be added without asking first lol
Well, I'm not bothered by people adding me. It's not like I know unless I look...which I rarely do. Besides, how does it really affect me if some stranger adds me? It doesn't. Thus far it has been a completely painless process. ;)
Now, as far as the new Manage Friends pages don't like it so much. I really don't see what changed accept for the size (we didn't have avatars last time, did we?). Now I have to go through different pages, whereas before I simply scrolled down. Just a bit annoying, but I'll live. Again, it's one of those painless processes. Gotta love the no pain factor...well, unless you're some kinda freak.
*looks shocked* Whoa! Wait! I bet you're a pain-loving freak, ain't ya???? I just knew it. Freak. :P
haha caught me out there, yah :P
i don't care who adds me. i get heaps of whelps adding me to. i'm just a sticky beak and wanna see who's done it. lol.
You're not going to read this, but I'm disappointed in you. I expected more from someone who said they loved me.
Want someones house/car/person torched/egged/broken dear?
nahhhh... no point. thanks though hun =)
The funeral is tomorrow... am really not looking forward to it, but I'm going, along with the majority of my team.
I've only ever been to a funeral once before, and that was a good 15 or so years ago.
One of the main things running through my mind with this is that my countdown is getting louder...
Two weeks and five days and counting.
For the increasing trend towards disturbingly badly spelt, ungrammatical, and just plain dumb forum posts...
And me.
It makes ME cry.
I want to throw dictionaries and thesauri at people.
*gives you a cookie*
Glad to see I'm not alone ;)
That shall be getting sent to a few people at work :D
glad i could be of service ;)
Always the disciplinarian..;) oh that spelled right? I better check.
so today i went in to work to find out that one of my staff had died last night.
she was already ill. in hospital, in intensive care. so while it was unexpected, it wasn't a complete bolt out of the blue.
i'm not entirely sure how i should be feeling right about now. i'm not upset, like some of my other staff members were. i'm maybe a bit... numb.
but probably the main feeling i have is relief. relief that i won't be dying in this job. relief that in a few short months i will be out of there, and over there.
relief and loneliness. will i be so missed if i died? will people cry for me? will i leave loved ones behind??
does that make me a bad person???? selfish???? uncaring??????
No, just as human as the rest of us.
I'm 100% sure for the next month your colleagues would be playing the Against Me! song I Still Love You Julie :D
Well, I'm sorry to hear about that. Don't feel bad for how you reacted. We all deal with it differently. I'm the same as you. If someone that I knew, but was never particularly close to dies, I feel more shocked than anything else. I can be in a roomful of bawling people and I'll just be standing there thinking "Well, damn..." *shrugs* Does that make me a bad person? No, I don't think so, and it doesn't make you one either.
I'm sure you'll be missed. I'd miss you if I were them. I could definitely see myself standing there, watching you leave, thinking "Well, damn..." :P
This morning I was watching the sun come up while I was getting ready for work... being up before dawn does this. And while I was admiring it I decided I should capture some of these dawns. So here you go. Today's sunrises. Click to embiggen.
Call that a sunrise?
When you come down, make sure you stay the night, watch the sunrise over the beach :D
Nice! I love Dawn
Today I am a grumpy Julie. Work is shitting me, the real estate keeps sending me notices to remedy breach saying I'm behind in my rent payments, I just want a week or two to myself but that's not going to happen, I'm broke, I haven't been paid my higher duties from work, I'm working the equivalent of two full time jobs, I'm lonely and horny but at the same time I loathe myself so I'll never initiate human contact, I'm tired and stressed and just plain over it.
On the positive side, no headache tonight. Wootage.
*hugs* dammit, you need to live closer, I don't think repeatedly typing *hugs* works *hugs anyways*
Awww thanks hunni *hugs back*
I'll come down for a visit =)
I should live closer. We could be grumpy together. :D
Shared grumpy is good. lol.
shoots you a grumpy look before giving you a hug.Youll be here soon..and it will be good
Yes, yes it will ^^
My head is screaming at me, another day of wracking pain. Usually I pay no notice to it, I'm so used to it now. Just on days like this, where everything builds up and condenses, and my brain twists and contorts upon itself until it's reduced to no more than a hard, impervious grey lump, curled up foetally in the confines of my skull.
*takes more painkillers and hopes they'll work enough so she gets some sleep tonight*
Your testicles have tangled themselves?
I hope you feel better soon!
If you need head massage, or feet rubsies let me know :P
O_O wtf?
Awwww... Sweetie... *hugs* I'm sorry you don't feel good. *pets*
thank you =)
and xander my nuts are fine, just so you know ;)
Some of you might remember (if you read my journal previously) about my friend Jesse and his thing with a much older woman.
Well, they've finally met in person, and hit it off extremely well. So well, he's moving up to Oregon to be with her permanently. In 7 days.
I'm exceedingly happy for them both. Just goes to show that persistence does indeed pay off, and occasionally the fairytale does work.
Now if only it would work for me...
On the flip side I'm kinda sad because now I doubt that I'm going to get to catch up with Jesse when I come over there... and jealous because I was in the similar situation and my younger guy turned tail and ran...
Maybe one day.
Ok, I'm sitting here....I'm watching.....I'm watching...It's not doing anything...It's a gif file......It should do something....GAHHHHH
Now it says to adopt one....BUT THERES NO EGG!!!!
keep looking at it! it should hatch at some point!
I keep checking..but no hatch yet
Permission Denied
You don't have permission to access /viewdragon/TFbe on this server.
You may want to contact the owner of the site you came from and inform them of this error
Your dragon hates me :(
Yes I'm growing it as a Xander-phobe ;)
Haha that is so my excuse from now on!
I know i have been single for a while but it's not my fault, they have all just been raised as Xander-phobes :P
Yesterday was quite a productive day. Made chicken soup, FROM SCRATCH, nummy. Worked on the business. Did some ironing. Made a couple of great phone calls =) Washed the dishes. Went down to the shops and got some milk and other stuff. Made apple and cinnamon mini muffins (not my best batch - I was out of brown sugar so substituted golden syrup which didn't work quite so well). Edited and reformatted our book, the Codex. All 589 pages of it. Gah. Finally crashed at about 1am. And here I am up again at 7.30am.
Today I'm heading out to Chermside to visit the shops, I was thinking I might treat myself and get a manicure / pedicure... Going to see Iron Man this afternoon with the D&D guys so that will be good.
Holidays go too quickly =(
I had a dream about dragons the other night... their own society, doing stuff, loves and intrigues... it was so detailed I wish I could remember it. It would have made a fabulous novel or movie. *sighs*
I have holidays this week. Yay! Then when I get back from holidays I'm handing in my resignation. Double yay!
I'm not planning much on my holidays except the chance to have a break from work. Today I will be doing housework, laundry that sort of thing. Tomorrow I may head into the city to find a mother's day present for mum. Thursday I think I'm going to see a movie with the D&D guys - Iron Man I believe. Friday... nothing's planned. May hang out with a friend. Saturday I'm running a Vampire game. Sunday is Mother's Day. Then Monday I'll be back at work again. Oh and through all of that I'll be working on the business.
No rest for the wicked, apparently ;)
Now, I think the dragons represent............that your going to have a damn good week :D
Woo! Just as well =D
12:22 May 28 2008
Woohoo well done dear :D
20:52 May 28 2008
thank you hun =)
03:00 Jun 01 2008