Some generic Mass Effect randomness that hit me today while I was trolling YouTube.
Samara sighed. Her meditations did not currently bring her peace. The endless scrolling vista of the stars was not the tranquil balm to her soul it usually was.
With a decisive movement, she got up and walked; long, graceful strides taking her everywhere and nowhere while she pondered what was wrong.
Her heels clicked on the decking as she made her way down the corridor and back again, thinking. She turned into the mess area, passing crew members eating, nodding absently to Mess Sergeant Gardner. The man looked… content. He was happily serving up whatever was on the menu for tonight’s meal and bantering with those waiting to eat. He still moved slightly hesitantly, favoring his side after the rescue from the Collector base, but he performed his duties with purpose and care.
Samara’s steps faltered as she was struck by a thought: purpose. Yes, that was what she was lacking. Her own personal quest was now ended with Shepard’s help. Her oath to the commander was now expired with the destruction of the Collector base. For the first time in over four hundred years, she was without purpose. She was at a loose end. She was… bored. While it was a novel experience, she didn’t appreciate it. She needed something to do, a new quest to devote herself to.
Smiling gently, Samara turned and made her way to the nearest extranet terminal. She had some research to do, and a favor to ask of Shepard. Though truth be told he never minded any excuse to call on the Shadow Broker these days.
Another fic in response to the latest prompt at the KAAS forum on BSN.
An argument, between two or more persons, set anywhere with the exception below.
Kaidan must be one of the participants or the argument must be about Kaidan. THE ARGUMENT CANNOT BE ON; CANNOT BE ABOUT; CANNOT MENTION IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM HORIZON
“Never underestimate the power of passion.”
Eve Sawyer
A low chime preceded a feminine voice over the comm system. "Councilor?"
"Yes, Saheli?"
"Commander Alenko is here and would like to speak with you."
Anderson thought momentarily, face creasing in a frown, then tapped the comm system. "Send him in, Saheli."
He smoothed his face as the door swooshed open and the commander strode into the room, projecting determination with every inch. Anderson gestured at a seat and he sat stiffly, on edge.
"What can I do for you, Commander?"
Kaidan frowned. "I've come to request approval to be posted to join the crew of the Normandy as an Alliance representative."
Anderson sat back, face impassive. "You want to join them?"
Kaidan nodded once.
"Because you need someone Alliance on that ship. Someone you can trust. Someone who is already familiar with some of the crew and has a... rapport with its commanding officer. Someone who understands what has been and will be required in order to face the Reaper threat."
"Rapport, you say." Kaidan nodded again, without even the grace to flush. Anderson had to admire him for that, at least. "And what makes you think that's what we need? Shepard... the Normandy... is a rogue agent. She's as likely to chase after batarian pirates as she is to combat the Reapers. What makes you think that's something worth supporting?"
Frown deepening, Kaidan leaned forward, the better to impress his urgency on the Councilor. "Councilor, that is precisely the reason why you want me there. You want a stabilizing influence on Shepard. That's me. You want input into her actions, I can do that. You want to make sure she's working in the right direction, working with us and not against us. I will do that for you."
Anderson nodded slowly, maintaining eye contact. "Are you sure that's the only reason, Commander?"
Now Kaidan flushed. "Well... no. But it's the most important one."
Anderson held up a hand and worked hard at projecting nonchalance. "I don't care how you rationalize it to yourself, Alenko. The answer is no."
Kaidan's voice was dangerously quiet. "No?"
"You heard me, Commander. You made your request, and I denied it."
"May I at least know why?"
Anderson sighed. "Because I don't trust you on that ship, with Shepard. Because I know very well what the two of you got up to the last time you were together on a ship, regulations be damned. Because she is not a stabilizing influence on you. And because-" he eyed Kaidan, who was visibly trying to hold in his temper "-because I am your superior officer, and I said so."
Kaidan spoke through clenched teeth. "With all due respect, sir, I am not a child, and that is hardly a valid reason."
"It is all the reason it has to be, Alenko."
His fists bunched at his sides but he remained seated, controlled. "That is hardly fair. Either on Shepard or on me. We worked hard, together, to beat Sovereign and Saren and their geth. With limited backing and continued deniable plausibility from the then Council, I might add. And still we did it. Shepard did it. And now she needs more help than ever and you continue to follow the old Council's path of stonewalling her!"
Anderson sighed. "You know we can't publicly acknowledge Shepard's claims of the Reaper threat, Alenko. We have enough trouble as it is cleaning up her messes behind her. All out gunfights across half the Terminus systems and even here in Citadel space, mercenary wars, destruction of valuable infrastructure and resources... Shepard's a PR nightmare and we are, quite frankly, spending far too much time and money on covering up her little indiscretions."
With a snarl Kaidan leapt to his feet, the chair clattering backwards behind him, as he gestured passionately. "Shepard is out there risking her ass and that of her crew to hold back the Reapers and all you can do is sit here and talk about PR and costs?"
"It's not only PR and costs, Kaidan. It's also the risk of panic if her claims got out into the public space. We can't risk that. The toll on lives and commerciality would be incalculable."
Kaidan sneered. "And how much more incalculable would another Reaper attack on the Citadel be? We're still rebuilding after four years. Imagine the toll if the Reapers attacked one of the colonies. Bekenstein, perhaps. Five and a half million people. Or what about Illium. There's over 84 million people there. Or, god forbid, Earth. Eleven billion. Billion, Councilor. That's what you're risking with your PR rescuing and cost cutting."
He paused, struck by the thought, and studied Anderson's face intently for a moment. When he resumed, his voice was hushed. "My god. That's what you're doing, isn't it? You're waiting for a direct threat. You're waiting for Shepard to flush something out and start fighting it, aren't you? You're waiting for her to fall on the line so you can send out the almighty Alliance fleet and save the day, again."
"You're out of line, Alenko."
"I don't particularly give a damn, Councilor," Kaidan retorted. He slammed his fist down on the desk. "You might be perfectly happy to sacrifice her but I won't have it. I won't just stand by and watch you damn Shepard to hell just so you can get some PR win out of it."
Anderson looked up at Kaidan's face, flushed with anger, and spoke quietly. "I suggest you sit down, Commander, and remember to whom you're speaking."
Their eyes locked, Anderson's flatly implacable while Kaidan's flared with anger and resentment.
They remained frozen, staring, for what seemed an eternity, before Kaidan backed down. He remained standing and crossed his arms. "Well if you won't allow a posting to the Normandy I'd like to request some leave. By my calculations I have six months of unused rec leave. I'd like to take it. Sir."
Anderson snorted. "So you can just go and join the Normandy anyway? No, Commander. Request denied."
Kaidan stared at him, eyes furious. "I don't get it, Councilor. Shepard's the best we have. She stopped a Reaper on foot, for god's sake. She wiped out the Collectors. She's a Spectre. Why don't you trust her?"
Anderson shrugged. "It's not a matter of trust, Commander. Shepard's a liability. A loose cannon."
Kaidan surged forward and hissed dangerously at Anderson. "How can you possibly say that after all she's sacrificed?"
"When will you learn, Alenko, that sometimes you have to sacrifice in order to save?"
Kaidan stared at him, appalled. "You'd seriously sacrifice Shepard?"
Anderson nodded.
"I don't believe you. She was your protégé. You were her mentor. She looked up to you, trusted you. You believed her while we were fighting Saren. What changed?"
Anderson gestured expansively, at the bland sterile room, at the artificial sunlight beyond. "This changed. I have bigger responsibilities now. I can't be distracted by one rogue Spectre and her wild claims of doom and destruction from beyond the stars."
"Rogue Spectre..." murmured Kaidan. "Is that what you really think? Really?" He stared at Anderson searchingly, trying to pierce his impassive mask, then straightened.
"In that case, I have only one thing left to say." He reached up and grabbed his rank and insignia, ripping them from his uniform in one fierce movement, and threw them onto the desk in front of Anderson. "I quit. Consider this my effective resignation from the Alliance. You'll have my written resignation as soon as I can get to a terminal."
"Think about what you're doing, Commander..."
Kaidan gestured savagely. "Alenko. I am no longer a Commander. And I have considered what I'm doing very carefully indeed."
He leaned over Anderson's desk menacingly, voice a low growl. "I will not abandon Shepard, not after everything she's been through, everything we've been through. She needs me. And we need her. And I will support her with everything I've got."
He straightened and strode to the door, pausing as it swooshed open. "And because I love her, and I'll be damned if I abandon her again."
Anderson sighed heavily as the doors closed on Kaidan's back and wiped his hand over his face, unsurprised to see it shaking. He closed his eyes and slumped forwards in his seat, resting his head in his hands.
"Good boy, Kaidan. Good boy."
Insomnia provokes fic. Short bit of a fic in response to the latest prompt in the KAAS comm in the BSN. I may have taken some liberties with it.
Setting: anytime during Mass Effect 1. Prompt: Kaidan and some guy friends (yes, all males, bwahahahah*) - preferably from the Normandy, but any Alliance or Shepard-affiliated person will do - go out for some drinks. As usual, Shepard is not there, so the guys can talk about Shepard behind his/her back.
"...Shepard... that armor... N7, can you believe it? ...Never struck me as the type. No, really... yeah. Cute!"
Kaidan was standing at the bar, browsing Flux's selection of liquors. He was looking for a bottle of something to take back to the rooms Shepard had booked for them for the night, when he heard it. His ears perked and he surreptitiously glanced around. There, in the corner. A rowdy table of Normandy crew members, just starting their night's drinking by the look of the modest stack of glasses in front of them. He squinted, peering through the gloom of the club. Ah yes, the private from engineering, what was his name? Chase? And the corporal who backed up the rec officer, Grieco. A couple of the female ensigns as well. He didn't know the rest of their names, but their faces looked vaguely familiar.
He sidled a little closer, trying to overhear without being intrusive. The music was loud and he knew he was risking a migraine the longer he stayed, but he persevered. At the least, he'd have something to laugh about with Shepard when he got back.
Chase leant forward conspiratorially, whispering just loud enough for the table to hear him over the music. "I hear that the asari we picked up on Therum has her eye on Shepard too."
Grieco looked disgusted. "No way man, Shepard gets them all. And the asari is hot! I'd do her." How he managed to swagger while sitting Kaidan would never know.
A chorus of catcalls pierced the air and Kaidan winced.
"Give it over Greico... Yeah, you wouldn't know what to do with an asari if one landed in your lap right now! ... You wouldn't even know what to do with a human in your lap right now!" Grieco scowled and folded his arms, clearly huffing.
"Well," a dark haired private waved her drink around the table at her comrades, making them duck out of the way of its splashing contents, "I heard that Shepard is already sweet on someone."
Kaidan stiffened. Did they know? About him and Shepard? No… surely not…
She nodded like she'd just imparted some form of profound wisdom.
"Who is it, do you know?"
She shook her head. "Nope, that's all I got. But I know who does know more." She paused dramatically. "Chakwas."
Groans ensued. "You're shitting us Lowe... Yeah give over... You don't know what you're talking about..."
She laughed and swigged her drink, waving down the waitress for another round.
Chase sighed. "I know I'd jump at the chance to do Shepard."
Grieco leered at him. "Hey man, I'd do you too... no wait, I'm pretty sure you have a date with Mrs Palmer there first. She's all lonely like."
Chase threw the dregs of his drink at him and they mock tussled over their beers, the rest of the table laughing and laying bets. The waitress appeared with a full tray and as if by magic they were on their best behavior again.
A blond ensign raised her glass in a toast. "To Shepard, the best damn commander we've had. Also the hottest, with the best ass."
Kaidan stifled a snort and picked up his bottle from the bartender. They didn't know the half of it, he thought, smirking. John was going to laugh his ass off at this.
So I finally finished my f!Aeducan. A little bit of a drabble in her honour.
I have more planned for her, she surprised me with how much I liked her. I'm not generally a fan of dwarves personally, and warriors even less, but she worked out really well.
Also, hooray for my writing drought breaking!
Sereda Aeducan was many things. Princess. Former exile. Warrior. Mistress of the king who never was. Living Paragon. Grey Warden. Scion of her House. Kinslayer.
But as she faced into the breeze, letting the crisp air flick the ends of her hair back, what she mostly was, was alone. Alone and afraid.
She'd travelled from one end of Ferelden to the other, fought all manner of enemies, made deals, traded secrets and lies. She'd been to the deepest, darkest depths of the lands and climbed the highest mountains. But she'd never been to the sea. It was there before her now, a vast gulping emptiness that made her heart - already battered - shrink and her spirit quail.
She was standing on a dock, with all she possessed in a small bag at her side, waiting for the boat that would take her away from Ferelden and the ruins of all she'd worked for, planned for.
Only three days ago she was secure. She knew what she was doing and how it would happen. She had her position, knew what she was doing. Sure, she was exiled from her birthplace and considered a traitor, but she was content to be what she was. One of only three Grey Wardens remaining in Ferelden. The lover and future mistress of the soon-to-be King Alistair. The warrior who, with the help of those around her, would defeat the Blight.
On the top of a tower it had all come undone.
Ten little words, he'd said, and then he'd bravely gone forth and died. She closed her eyes, remembering that final hideous blast, the scream of tortured air. Did it hurt, she wondered? Were his final moments only of pain? Did his soul explode and shatter as the essence of the Archdemon invaded, or was it more of a quick strangling of all that he was?
She wondered if she blamed herself. If she'd only said yes to the witch's suggestion, only agreed to her plan to let her and Alistair between them create an abomination, he'd still be alive. She knew the risks, knew what would happen if she said no. She'd thought they had time. Thought they were immortal. She thought Riordan would survive to take the blow. So she'd refused. And condemned her love to death.
The breeze was cold on the tiny shining tracks that ran down her cheeks. She brushed them away and told herself it was the salt in the air.
If she were human, no doubt she'd be cursing that Maker of theirs for playing such a cruel trick on her. To take away all she ever knew and leave her outcast and bereft, only to replace it with the strength of someone new. To give her the hope of a new life, then shatter it with the death of the pivotal point of it.
Sereda sighed. Life was cruel, but it continued. She'd never been one for standing around bewailing her misfortune. She hadn't collapsed in a puddle of grief when her brother betrayed her, and she wouldn't do it now. She took a deep breath, letting the coolness of the air wash through her lungs, and looked around.
Their ship was waiting. By tomorrow, she'd have left Ferelden far behind and would be well on her way to whatever the new day brought. A new land, new adventures.
She hefted her bag and walked over to her companions, the assassin who couldn't kill her and the giant who had bowed before her, and smiled wanly at them.
"Let's go," she said, and led the way to the future.