So it is exactly a year since everything went arse up. While I will never forget, and certainly never forgive, I am actually doing ok. Better, maybe, than how I was before. At the very least I'm not spending my time, money and energy on some half cocked, lying, cheating arsehole who doesn't deserve any of it. If this is karma, I'm loving it. And I certainly hope to, one day, see it bitch fucking you up the arse. Oh happy day.
In other news, 4 day weekend FTW!
Last night waiting for a bus to go home after a day out with a friend, we heard music coming from the showgrounds nearby which we both swore was the Beastie Boys. It was like ZOMG!!!! Beastie Boys!!!!! We were both pretty sad because we didn't know they were playing (it turns out they weren't - there was a festival called Supafest on which featured Akon amongst others) so we got up on the platform and danced away to our presumed Beastie Boys concert... imagine, if you will, two mid 30's women, no longer as lithe as as they were in the mid to late 90's, grooving away to imagined Beastie Boys on a deserted bus platform... ah, good times, good times.
On another note, what the hell is it with Youtube and not being able to embed videos any more???
End of week 2 of the new job. All is going well! Today we did a session on something called True Colours, in which I found out I'm a Green, and made up a limerick, and a car sales ad. I swear it's all totally related to working, lol!
Tomorrow I have my first RDO in the new job. I also got my first pay this week. Yay!
Things are looking excellent! It's only taken a year... almost exactly a year actually.
I've also decided I really want to get a smart car. One of these happy little chappies:
2nd week in the new job starting tomorrow. So far things are going swimmingly! I'm really enjoying it. The people are really nice, the work is interesting, the job itself is awesome. It helps that I only had a 4 day week last week, and a 3 day week this week, and another 4 day week next week though, while getting paid for 5 days each week! Woot! Have I mentioned I'm SOOOOO glad to be back in permanent employment???
13:49 Apr 24 2010
Well it is good to know you are doing better.
15:14 Apr 24 2010