My uncle and my nan's brother. Both from heart problems. As expected family is rushing home and the winter weather is causing anxiety for their safety and causing delays in flights. When it rains it doesn't peck, it pours. I didn't know my nan's brother, but my uncle I did. While we weren't thick as thieves we were close. My aunt is still in disbelief but its setting in. My nan got a double blow and it seems right now the world is taking a big shit on her. As usual when it comes to death, for me I feel no real emotion, no sadness but I feign it for family's sake. Its not that I don't care, im just indifferent. My uncle was a good hardworking man, caring husband and great father. While to me he's just simply gone, for the rest of the family he'll truly be missed. I'm not a religious person, but if there is another realm beyond this for good ppl I'm sure he's there and enjoying himself.
RIP Uncle
meh it just reminds me of my seat in the kingdom of singledom XD. Seeing people do PDA which I really hate. But meh im a bitter bitch. Anyway my grandmother's health has improved, she's back to nit picking at me XDD. The kitten goes outside now so the litter pan is gone, thank the gods. I'm into Vikings now and almost have all the seasons available watched. Im still doodling various things and as usual have many of them unfinished. Hmm perfect example of my life, I start things but never finish them. Dr Phil would say, ' You miss have closure issues.' Well Dr. Phil can bite my big toe XD Bleh that's all for now