well it started when I first woke up then people started yelling at me. Then the guys at school were toying with my emotions. Then I was in a fight after that I left and went to lunch thats when I told my sister gothofashes that I am going to kill myself if this shit keeps up cause I'm through then I'm losing friends and stuff. well got to for now add more later!
well it started up as a good day then someone not mentioning any names called me to bitch at me cause I didn't know who he was on VR so now I'm probably going to lose that person forever and then my internet friend is pissed at me cause so many people has called me their girl and I'm stuck in the middle and is pulling my hair and wanting to cut till blood comes out today was not my day I ended up punching a brick wall at school I just hate the way I'm living my life and almost all the relationships except 4 I've was abused and just beat I'm tired of it well got to go