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It is truly amazing to me how one little thing, even in its insignificance in the grand scheme of things, can trigger a nuclear meltdown reaction. How it can trigger anger and a sense of bitterness. Just saying that I find it interesting.
Your so right,I was blinded & blocked for defending a woman i like a whole lot,Stupity will follow you where ever you go,These people to me are called low lifes,they feed on only anger & despair,they take that all in.And then shoot there negativity out to the universe,causing doom & gloom.But they shall reap what they sow 20 fold.everything you do good or bad comes back to you.Peace Elviscat
15:46 Jul 22 2014
Your so right,I was blinded & blocked for defending a woman i like a whole lot,Stupity will follow you where ever you go,These people to me are called low lifes,they feed on only anger & despair,they take that all in.And then shoot there negativity out to the universe,causing doom & gloom.But they shall reap what they sow 20 fold.everything you do good or bad comes back to you.Peace Elviscat
21:39 Mar 19 2016
I also find the same reaction interesting. I discovered that many times it is due to a lack of maturity on the other persons part.