its funny that i find my self back on VR, i was here 5 years ago when it was still new. but whats funny about it is that i am still talking to someone i fell in love with on VR. and what hurts the most is that dispite the fact that we both care about each other. we never were given the chance to be with each other due to distance. dispite never seeing each other in person. its funny that this is the only real relationship that has ever been stable, and against my judgement. today i had to give advice that encouraged her relationship with another man. i only do this cause i want her to be happy, but i must ask can you ever really when at love??? do the storys you hear about in the movies ever happen in real life??? i keep telling my self that if its ment to be, it will happen. so if its ment to be why cant it happen now??? i mean were not getting any younger. life fucking sucks sometimes.